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emily's pov

When we walked into the house I grabbed the only other suitcase I had left because all of my other bags were at JJ's. JJ and I went through my closet together, grabbing clothes that we'd both like to wear. I grabbed two extra pairs of shoes and some socks so I'd have more options, but I really didn't need more clothes. "What else do you need?" JJ asked, standing in the doorway leading to my closet. "Uhhh, I'll grab some of my make-up and things, but I don't think I really need anything else. We might need to go get more groceries soon though" I responded.

"Okay" she said, "It's only 5:30, do you want to go now?" "If you want to, but we can wait until we get back from work tomorrow or something" I told her. "I think we should just go home tonight and enjoy our last night at home" JJ said back, smiling. "Good. I think I'm done now, let me just empty my fridge and make sure I have nothing rotting in there" I told JJ, laughing. I set my suitcase down and threw a few things away. JJ picked up my suitcase and said "Let me carry this for you"

"JJ, I can get it" I told her. "No Em, you bought my lunch, it's the least I can do" She responded back quickly. "Okay" I retorted as we grabbed hands and walked out the door. JJ took the car keys from me while I was loading my suitcase into the back seat. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm driving, you got a problem with that?" JJ said, smirking at me. "No, definitely not" I replied, smiling at the beautiful blonde. She started the car and began driving, but not before turning the radio on.

After a couple minutes, I realized that she wasn't going back towards her apartment. "Jayje, where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see in a minute" She said, laughing under her breath. "JJ! we better get back soon enough, we have work tomorrow" I said, then recanted, "sorry. that was a little harsh, forget work. I hope we're going somewhere good." She didn't say anything, but she chuckled, so I figured it was okay. After driving up winding roads for what felt like a long time but was only like thirty minutes, we were at the top of a mountain.

"Jayje, where are we?" I asked politely. "We're at one of my favorite places! I've always come here to be alone when work gets over whelming, but I want to share this place with someone now, so here we are" She told me. "It's gorgeous" I said turning towards her, "just like you" She blushed and said, "Oh stop". I pulled her over into a big hug and we both happily sighed, like we felt relieved. JJ stretched her arm around me and pulled me closer, resting her head on my shoulder. We laid out a pick nick blanket that she had stashed in my car and sat down. As we were looking off into the distance, she said "I love you, Emily Prentiss"

jj's pov

This is my favorite, quiet place that almost nobody knows about. I wanted to bring Em here so I could experience it with her. We were hugging now, and I wanted to kiss her. We turned towards one another and just stared into each others eyes, and then our lips touched. Her lips were so soft, and she was a great kisser. After a minute, I fell on top of her. She was laying on her back now but we were still kissing passionately. I felt her hands slowly go up and down my back.

I know what I thought at first wasn't about to happen, but I liked this. It felt so warm and calming. Eventually I fell off of her and to her side. We were watching each other watch the sunset togethe. Emily got up and walked over to her car, not saying why. When she came back, she had two mini personal sized bottles of champagne. "We don't need too much of this" Emily said smiling, "but I think we should have some tonight, before we go back to work and all" I smiled, and we clanked our bottles together.

After we finished up, Em grabbed the garbage and I folded up the blanket we had laid down. It was surprising that no one had really found this place, however I'm glad we got to spend tonight alone. "Thank for this Jayje" Em said as we got back into the car. "You're welcome, I guess. I'm just glad we got to spend tonight together like this. It was nice" I responded. She was driving now, so I ended up having to give her directions to get back to my apartment. "Go left out of here, and then eventually you'll turn right and then you'll know where you are" I told her, not wanting to explain it all.

It was getting closer to 8 o'clock now, and we both needed to get back and shower to prepare for the morning. "Do you mind if I shower first when we get back?" Em asked. "Of course" I said, "I can put your stuff away, if you want, and then shower after you" "You don't have to put my stuff away, I can get it later. We have plenty of stuff already" She said, sounding tired. "Okay, we can wait" I said laughing.

We got back home and we each showered and brushed our hair and teeth. I put on a blue pajama set and Em put on black yoga pants and a tank top. We each got into our individual sides of the bed, but we eventually scooted closer to each other because the apartment was particularly cold this night. We had lots of blankets on the bed, but nothing beat being close to one another. "Good night Jennifer Jareau, I love you" Emily told me. She only said my name when she was being serious, and I liked that. "I love you more, goodnight Emily Prentiss" I said, smiling at her, right before we both fell asleep.

word count: 1052                                                                                                                                                          {oof, I feel like this could have been better}

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