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emily's pov

I'm so relieved JJ invited me over tonight. I didn't want to be alone after this past case but to tell the truth, I think I just didn't want to be away from JJ. When we got back in the car to head to JJ's house, I grabbed her hand and just held it. Then my phone rang out of no where. We were both so surprised because that car was silent before that. I had JJ get it for me because I was driving and I didn't want to crash or anything. "It's Hotch", JJ said, looking at me seriously. "Answer it I guess, just put him on speaker." I said back. When she answered the call I said "Hotch, I'm with JJ. Please tell me there isn't another case." "Well," He said back, "It's good that you're both there. There isn't another case, but that is why I'm calling. The director ordered that you both take at least 2 weeks off because - well, you know why." "Okay" JJ said back, "Is that all?" "Yes, that's all. Have a good night." He ended the call. 

"Wow what are we supposed to do with two weeks off?" JJ said. "I haven't take time off in such a long time, I don't even know what I like to do anymore" I replied. "You should have packed more in that back. You could've stayed longer" JJ said, laughing,. "I do need to go pick up my car tomorrow, though I don't mind carpooling with you."

We just got to her house. I've been here a few times before but this time seemed different. Good different, but different. When we walked inside I sat my things down and went to the bathroom while JJ walked towards the kitchen. When I came back, she had two full glasses of red wine. We walked over to the couch together and sat down, facing each other. We both sighed and JJ looked up at me, looked back down, then she she scooted over closer to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and we just sat there, peaceful and calm for what seemed like an hour.

When she finally went to sit back up, I hugged her tighter and just like that, our lips were touching. It felt so sweet and calming and right. When we both simultaneously pulled away, we looked at each other and smiled. That was the first real kiss we shared, and to be honest I think I was the first kiss JJ had ever shared with a woman, but she sure was a good kisser. She hugged me and said "Let's go to bed. You can sleep in the guest bed or with me, I just don't want you to do something you don't want." "I think I'll come with you, I don't want to be alone tonight." I told her. I admire JJ so much, and I feel so lucky to get to enjoy this part of my life with her now.

jj's pov

I get to share this part of my life with the best girl ever. I'm very grateful that tonight I don't have to be alone. Em makes me feel very protected and safe. 

We both feel asleep almost as soon as we laid down. We didn't have to wake up early or do anything in the morning and It was just so nice. After my sister Roslyn died so many years ago, I've found it hard to trust people, especially my friends and family. With Emily, it was different. It was like I'd known her all my life and I could tell her anything. She's the only person I've ever told about what happened in college, along with so many other things.

When I woke up in the morning, I noticed Emily wasn't beside me anymore. Still very drowsy, I walked to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. I found her in at the stove cooking us breakfast. Even though she's been here so many times, it shocked me a little bit that she knew where everything was. Without her hearing, I walked up to her and hugged her from behind. I did manage to startle her but she ignored that and said "Good morning sleepy head" to which i replied, "Heyy, I was just getting my beauty sleep." We both giggled. She was making eggs and bacon, which are two of my favorite breakfast foods, despite their simplicity. 

We took our food out and sat on the patio of my ground floor apartment. It was nice and calm outside and the only other nosies were birds and rustling leaves. "So JJ, what do you think about, maybe, being my girlfriend?" When I didn't respond quickly, she said "Sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that". "No", I said, "You said it at just the right time. Yes, Emily Prentiss. I definitely will be your girlfriend." Then we kissed again and just hugged. It was like every problem or worry we ever had just disappeared and we were just standing still in a perfect moment. That seems pretty rushed, but it wasn't for us. Once we sort of snapped back into reality, we brought our dishes inside and decided to go clean up. We had to go pick up my car and then we decided we would go get coffee and do a little shopping downtown.

I got in the shower first and as soon as I got out Em got in. I put on some skinny blue jeans and white short sleeve shirt. When Emily got out of the shower she took out a pair of black pants and a thin grey sweater. "I love the outfit" I said to her. "Thanks Jayje, you look great too, as usual." She said back. I walked out of the bedroom and went to pour another cup of coffee and I heard Emily call from the other room, "Pour me one too JJ!" "Okay!" I said back. We both were still a little banged up and tired from the other day, so we both had to figure out how to cover up bruises with make-up and exhaustion with coffee. When we both were ready to go, Em grabbed her keys and we walked out to the car.

{this one was a little weird haha, but the next ones get better}

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