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emily's pov

The last thing I could clearly remember was a large truck coming straight at Reid and I. The first thing I saw when I woke up was the bright hospital light shining down on my body. The first thing I felt when I woke up was JJ holding my left hand and Garcia rubbing my right arm. The first, and only thing, I could hear when I first woke up was intense beeping and ringing. The first thing I told myself was: "Emily Prentiss, you're alive, and you will be okay".

When I opened my eyes more and turned towards JJ, I saw her face, which looked stained from tears. "Em" She said. Then she leaped up and gently hugged me. Garcia leaned on top of her, putting us all in one big hug. "We're all so glad you're okay" Garcia told me. I just nodded, but the first thing I asked was, "W-where's Spence? is he okay?" Penelope and Jayje looked at each other, then JJ said "He's, uh, still in surgery. But we're hopeful".

After I heard that, before even recognizing what happened to me, I started crying for Spence. They both consoled me, and the explained what type of injuries I had. "Well, You have a pretty bad fractured ankle, a small concussion, and a nice gash on your shoulder" Penelope told me. "And what happened to Spence?" I asked, so tired it was getting harder and harder to talk. "We don't really know all of it to be honest. We know he sustained the brunt of the impact, but we know he lost a decent amount blood. Hotch is actually donating some right now since they're the same blood type" JJ said, "but he's gonna be okay. I know it".

Then a doctor came in a gave me some more pain meds while explaining exactly what happened. He also told me that my team leader, Hotch, is having our city's police department come question me. After he finished, the doctor left.

"Why do I need to be questioned? And why can't you guys do it?" I asked JJ, and Garcia had left the room for a minute. "Baby, you know why you need to be questioned, especially because you and Reid are government agents. We can't do it because we could be biased" She replied. All I said was "okay".

"Is your mom still coming?" I asked JJ. "Uhm, yeah her flight landed about an hour ago actually" She responded. "You should go see her, JJ" I said. "Emily! I'm not leaving you" She said back, visibly a little upset. "But she came to see you, don't use this as an excuse" I said back, facing the other direction. "Em, I'm not leaving" She was very adamant about that. "Well, why don't you have her come here?" I said, "since I'll be here for a while and you just said you aren't leaving" She sighed, and asked, "Why? I don't think that's a good idea" "Why isn't it a good idea?" I asked back. "We'd have to tell her" JJ said, looking at me concerned. "And I'm okay with that" I told her. "I don't know if I am, babe" Jayje replied to me. "Okay, it's whatever you want" I said, looking directly into her eyes. I could really tell she's been crying a lot now, and she looks very tired.

We stopped talking when two officers walked in. Then I realized, I was going to have to relive it all, but I was grateful when they said JJ could stay.

"We want you to start from the beginning, from when your friend started driving" One of them told me. "I'm still sort of out of it, so this may take a while" I said to them. "That's okay. Just take your time" The other one responded. "We, uh, left the parking lot and it was all fine, we were both in our seatbelts and stuff." I told them. "Then, after we were on the road heading towards our apartment", I said while pointing at JJ, "All of the sudden, this large, uhm, truck, like a semi truck, came barreling across the median, straight at my side of the car". "Can I take a break?" I asked. I needed water.

After a few minutes, we started back. "After he saw the truck coming towards my side of the car, he, uh, swerved away, trying to avoid it at all" I told them. One of them was taking notes on a notepad, and the other was just looking at me. When JJ gripped my hand, I began again. "It looked like we had completely avoided it, but then It kind of l-looked like it redirected, coming right back at us. This time, Neither of us had any chance to react, so it hit the back of the left side, his side. I remember us both being flung around, despite the seatbelts, and as I watched the truck drive away, I guess I unconscious"

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