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jj's pov

When we walked back into the apartment we both fell back on to our bed and sighed. "Em, thank you." I said quietly. While she was scooting closer to me on the bed she said, "I don't know what you're thanking me for, but your welcome." "Oh come on," I said, "I thanked you because you're my best friend and I'm glad I'm able to talk to you." "Jayje, I'm glad you're my best friend to." I didn't know how to ask the question but I really wanted to know and before I knew it I was kind of blurting it out. "How did you know?" "How did I know what?" She said back curiously. "That you didn't like men?" I said. She sighed and then looked at me. "I dated girls in college, too, but I decided to keep it a secret and sometimes dated men just to cover it up. My mom didn't hear about it until after I graduated, and she didn't take it very well." "Emily if you don't want to tell me you don't have to, I don't need to know it all" I said, while I watched a tear fall down her cheek. "Thank you", she said back to me "Long, story short, I've barely talked to or seen my parents since then, and I can't say I'm mad about that."

I really didn't know what to do, so I stood up and said I was going to take a shower and that when I got out we could watch a movie. On my way to the bathroom I said "That pic is on my phone, you can call Hotch and send that to him if you want I can do it when I get out." "Okay I'll do it. I miss you already!" Emily said, laughing.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I get out of the shower and it's like I'm drowning in my thoughts. Since we are undercover, we haven't heard much about the case because Hotch doesn't want the unsub to hear anything, just in case he is stalking us. I stepped out of the shower and while I was drying off I walked over to the closet and threw on some plain sweat pants and a black tank top. When I walked back into the bedroom, Emily had made microwave popcorn and turned on a movie. She had changed out of her dress into black athletic shorts and sweatshirt.

When I sat down beside her she threw a blanket across the both of us and started playing the movie. I think I really love this girl, but how I am supposed to admit that? how do I even admit it to myself? I guess all I can do is let the time pass and see what happens.

emily's pov

I think I'm in love. After JJ sat down beside me, she pulled me into a hug. I think deep down we both wanted to kiss again, but neither of us knew how to admit it. I decided to wait to call Hotch so when I picked up my phone to call him, he coincidentally called at the same time and I put him on speaker phone. "How are you guys holding up in there?" He said. JJ replied back first "We're good, and we think we might have got something when we wen't out to dinner earlier." "What would that be?" Reid's voice chimed in. I thought for a second then said: "We noticed a guy that was walking to the restaurant at the same time but never came in and then when we started walking back to the apartment he was there again." "Okay, I'll have Garcia check local security cameras. Anything else?" Right before he hung up JJ said, "Yeah, we got a picture of him." "How'd you do that without him seeing?" Reid asked. "Well, we took a selfie and he just happened to be behind us, so we have his picture." I said. "Alright, send it too Garcia. We gotta go." Hotch said, and then the call disconnected.

"How much longer do you think we'll have to wait?" JJ asked. "I have no idea. We have a face and a time, but no place or address for him." I said back, looking her in the eyes. Gosh, she's so gorgeous and I wish I had a way to tell her that without saying anything more. For a moment we both just stared at each other right in the eyes. JJ stood up and walked into the kitchen. When she came back she had two bags of Cheetos and a bottle of water and said "Em, we might be out of Cheetos" We both laughed. JJ's favorite food has always been Cheetos and almost every time I've seen her she had at least one bag of them in her hands. I've never really liked Cheetos but I thought it was one of the cutest things about her. When she sat down she handed me a bag and I looked at her for a moment, puzzled, and she said "Hide these, or I'll end up eating them all now." "Jayje, how have you gone through all of these? We've only been here a day" I said giggling. 

For the next hour or so we just told random childhood stories and laughed at each others very corny jokes. We also talked about the future, and where we thought we'd be, and If we thought we'd still be friends or still working at the BAU together. We talked about the case some, and that we hoped our team could catch this guy before he hurt anyone else, or us for that matter.

When we both decided to go to bed, we hugged and told each other goodnight. I'm pretty sure we both fell right asleep and neither of us woke up until both of our phones started ringing in the middle of the night.

Word count: 1003

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