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emily's pov

We're walking into JJ's, and I'm carrying a cat. A cat. We went to the grocery store, and we came back with a black cat, named Sergio. I grabbed her keys and unlocked the door for her as she was carrying all of our groceries.

She quickly walked over to the counter and set all of the groceries down, then came over and grabbed Sergio from me. I laid him into her arms, and went to put the groceries away. Jayje came over and grabbed all of the cat things I bought from the grocery store for the cat, including the wimpy little bed.

"I'm going to go but all this stuff down in the bedroom and put the collar on Sergio, and then I'll come help you" JJ said, carrying everything to the bedroom. "Okay", I said "we should let him run around the house for a while before we go to bed, let him get used to things" "Good Idea" She replied.

I finished putting all of the food away before she came back, and she probably took that much time on purpose-but I didn't mind. She came out of the bedroom having put the cat down and changed into pajamas.

Recently, I'd been bringing more and more of my stuff to JJ's house and almost everything I owned was already here. We sat down on the couch together to talk about this, cuddling the cat together.

me: "Jayje, I have a question"
jj: "Shoot, wait, I know you have a gun, don't shoot me. What's the question?"                                       
me: "So since most of my stuff is already here, why don't I just move in soon? Of course, only if you feel the same ways"
jj: "Em! I've been wanting to ask you that, I just didn't really know how! Of course I want you to!" me: "Awesome"

I set Sergio down in between us and kissed her. Eventually she ended up on top of me, and we recreated what we did in that hotel room on the last case. This time it lasted longer, and we moved from the couch to the bed, forgetting all about the cat and dinner.

We were laying on opposite sides of the bed now, silent and staring at the ceiling. I got up, and said I was going to get into the shower. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I look at my self in the mirror for a while then started the shower. I got in and out fairly quickly, and left the water running for JJ because she came in right when I got out.

It was the middle of the night now, sometime after midnight. I threw on a pair of normal pajamas and got into the bed to check my phone, waiting for JJ to come back. She slipped into the bed beside me after she put pajamas on and checked on the cat.

"How is he?" I asked. "He's good, and asleep on his bed" she said back.

jj's pov

I got into the bed after checking on Sergio, and looked over at Emily. She was looking on her phone, and I laid my head on her shoulder, peeking at what she was doing. It wasn't anything interesting, so I swatted it out of her hands and made her laugh.

"What's made you so crazy tonight?" she asked. "I don't know" I responded, giggling at her. She smiled, then sat her phone down on the bedside table.

me: "I love you"
em: "I love you too"
me: "So, since we don't really have to work tomorrow, do you want to bring the rest of your stuff over? I've been in your house a few times, it's not like you have much stuff left there anyway"     
em: "Um, yeah sure. Are you sure though? You don't think it's to much to early?"                                 
me: "You already practically live here anyway, and I don't want to see you go. So no, it's not to early for me"
em: "Okay, you're so sweet"
me: "I'm hungry, and I'm gonna go grab a snack. Do you want anything?"                                                 
em: "Yeah, but I don't know what I want, so I'll come with you"                                                                     
me: "Okie dokie"

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