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disclaimer for this: this is a pretty awkward sounding chapter, but trying to write out case details stresses me out, so I tried my best to avoid that while still having the plot make sense. Also, I've decided to double the length of the chapters, that way it the overall story can be longer without out having billions of chapters. I do intend to make this pretty long because I want to fully write out their relationship and way into the future of it. This might mean I update less often, but that was bound to happen anyway with the holidays and my school/babysitting work. Thank you guys so much!!

emily's pov:

Well, they figured it out and we didn't have to say anything. "Oooh" Morgan said, reacting like he had previously, "JJ and Emily sitting in a tree-" He was then interrupted by Hotch. Everyone briefly congratulated us then Garcia started showing us the case after Hotch told us we could celebrate on the jet and after we closed this case. Once they finished, Hotch told us all "Wheels up in 30" and we began gathering our things to board the jet together.

Everyone had left the room now and when I got to my desk, I realized that I had left my go-bag in JJ's car, so I walked over to her and asked for her car keys. "Hey JJ, I left my bag in your car. Can I borrow your keys to go get it?" I asked. "Yeah, Of course" She responded, digging through her pockets. "You want me to come?" She asked back to me. "Thank you, and no, I've go it" I replied, grabbing her key ring from her hands. I jingled them as I got in the elevator, and as I walked out to her car.

JJ keeps a set of sticky notes and pens in her car because at times she can be forgetful. I decided that while I was getting my bag, I'd write her a quick note for when we get back from the case. I quickly grabbed a pen and wrote "I love you babe! You're the best!". I know it was a pretty corny, but at least it would make her smile. I stuck it to her steering wheel, smiled, grabbed my bag, and after locking JJ's car walked back inside the building.

When I got back to my desk I did a couple things, and drank a cup of coffee alone. Then in unison we all got up and went to the jet. This wasn't a terribly long flight, but it was a couple hours. I sat down with JJ on the couch, and she rested her head on my shoulder. All of the guys sat together at the table, and the computer that Penelope sometimes talks from was turned off. I noticed earlier today that JJ looked a little, off, but I didn't know why. I hadn't seen her talk to anyone else, so I didn't know what was wrong but I was a little afraid to say anything.

We'd finished reviewing the case and we still had a little time left on the plane. JJ, still laying on me, whispered "I love you baby" Whispering back, I said "I love you too" I paused, then added "are you okay?" "What?" She said, just barely whispering. "You just seem a little sad, I'm sorry" I replied. "I'm sorry" she responded, "it's just my mom again, you know. She keeps calling, trying to be my friend and all, but I realize now that I don't know If I want a relationship with her" And before we could finish talking, we were about to land.

JJ's pov

I feel like it's stupid, not wanting to talk to my mom for such a weird and sudden reason. Even since my sister died, my parents have always been either weird or tense around me, and I'm afraid I'll slip up about me and Em and ruin my relationship with my mom even more. Apparently I'm not good at hiding anything, because Emily always notices. I want to explain it to her, but now is not the right time, and that might be a good thing, considering I don't even know what I want to say.

"Mother's intuition". That's what it's called when a mother knows their child is lying or something is going on with them. According to my mom, I talk different when something is wrong. I've never noticed this, so I don't know if it's true or not, but on that phone call she kept asking me what was wrong. Truth is, the only thing bothering me is her, but I can't tell her that. I just tried my best to lie my way out of it, and she gave up, but I think she still felt like I was hiding something.

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