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{this might have a little bit of more 'mature' content, just by the way}

emily's pov

Hotch was right, sleeping did help my brain think. In my dreams, I was able to realize that what he could be doing with the blood was making art, considering that the bodies were positioned in front of meaningful public art fixtures and that nothing in the profile points to him drinking it or something. That was the only pattern throughout these victims, and the whole team is sure that there will be another victim, and probably soon.

We set our alarms for 6:00 am when we went to bed to make sure that we woke up early enough to get ready and get to the police department.

We woke up at the same time and JJ rolled over on top of me, like she'd done before. "Ughh Jayje, what are you doing?" I said to her, half groaning half giggling. "Good morning babe" She said back. That was the first time she'd called me anything other than Em or Emily, I really like it. "Babe?" I said. "Sorry, I don't know where that came from" JJ replied, looking worried. "No, JJ, don't apologize, I think it's cute" I reassured her, and we both laughed.

Last night we did something we'd both never done before.

Neither of us had said anything else about what happened in the middle of night, but it didn't need any details, and we didn't need to say anything. It was amazing and exhilarating, however we both sort of silently swore not to talk much about it.

"I'm gonna go get in the shower" JJ said, "I'll be quick so you can take one too" "Okay" I replied.

In my head, I had this crazy prank idea. In a successful attempt to be playful, I ran into the bathroom where JJ was showering and jumped in the shower with her, fully clothed.

She flinched, and then we both broke out in a fit of laughter. "Em!" she said, staring at me in my wet clothes. "What? I thought we could save some time" I responded, watching her. "Yeah, this definitely works" JJ said, "but do you normally shower in your clothes?" I chuckled, then said, "Uh not typically, no" "Okay, so why don't you change that, babe?" JJ said, tugging at my shirt. Once we resolved that issue, we went back to actually showering. We washed our hair and bodies while constantly moving around and switching places, trying to access the water.

Just as she turned the shower off, JJ gently pushed me into the wall and started kissing me, passionately. I returned the kiss, and turned over on her, pushing her into the wall. It was like we didn't need words, and a wave of security and happiness went through my body. Once we realized we were technically working, we got out of the shower and ran to get dressed. Reid is supposed to drive with us to the PD, so we had to hurry. "I think that took longer than I we would have gone separately" I said, grinning. "Maybe so" JJ said, winking at me. Just as we'd finished dressing, Reid knocked on the door or our hotel room.

jj's pov

I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and ran over to open the door. "Hey Spence" I said. "You guys ready to go?" He asked, looking around the room. "Yep" Em said, walking out of the bathroom. "Let me just grab my stuff" I told them, and then we walked out of the room after Em shut the lights off. "Good morning" Spence told us. We both said it back, and then Em told him what she thought about the case. "I think he's making art with the victims' blood"

Spence and I paused for a minute, and then he replied, "What makes you think that?" "Well, since we never found the blood and since they were positioned in front of those artworks, it could be symbolism" She said back. "You know what Em, that makes since. Maybe we should tell Hotch to have people canvas local galleries and art shows" I agreed, backing up her statement. "That makes a lot of sense" Spence said, as we stepped into one of the black SUVs. He got in the back while Em got in the passenger seat and I sat down to drive.

We talked about the case a little bit more, but the PD was close so we got there pretty quick. I kept wanting to call Em 'babe' like I'd been doing the past 24 hours in secret, but we both had to resist anything like that and work on this case. When we walked in, the rest of the team was already in the conference room staring at the case board. Em told Hotch what she and Spencer realized, and the rest of the team agreed. Right before Hotch was going to tell us where to canvas, Detective Miles walked in.

"We've found another body" He said, looking right at Hotch. Hotch said him and Rossi would handle all of that, and then sent the rest of us in pairs to canvas the galleries in the mission district. Morgan and I took one half of the list and Em and Spence took the other half. Morgan got in the drivers seat and I sat beside him. When he started the car and began backing out, he looked over at me and then down at my shirt. "Hey, isn't that Emily's shirt?" He asked. "Uhm, yeah I split something on mine so I just -uh- borrowed hers" I replied. "Okay" He said, looking at me slightly suspicious.

We walked through 5 or so galleries and in the last one we found something useful. The owner said he had seen a piece from an anonymous seller, and he said the medium had looked like blood. He did buy it and he took us to it "That looks like the first victim" Morgan said, "do you mind if we take this?" "Go ahead, but what is this about?" "Were just investigating some things in the area" I replied. Morgan grabbed the painting and we took it and left to go back to the PD and reconnect with the team.

{thank you guys for all of the support, i love you all!}

Everything Happens for a Reason - JemilyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ