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{I've decided that I will continue to incorporate cases into this story, but I will most likely not be attempting to write any case details. Thanks for reading!}

emily's pov

We welcomed Garcia in and before we could say anything, she grabbed Sergio from JJ and began petting him.

"He's so handsome" She told us, grinning. "He's really sweet" I said "and well behaved". "Awwwe, I love him" She said, setting him on the ground. "But he can be sneaky, he attempted to snatch our dinner the other night" JJ told her. Then Penelope started talking to us as we all went to sit on the sofa.

pg: "So, how are you guys doing?"
jj: "Good. Morgan helped us move the rest of Em's stuff over today"
me: "I'm good too. You?"
pg: "Ehh, so so"
jj: "You sure? Do you need anything?"
pg: "No, I'll be okay, it's just a little work stress"
me: "Okay, let us know if you need anything"
pg: "Thanks. So Emily, you completely moved out of your other apartment now?"
me: "Yep. We decided to donate a bunch on the stuff, and I turned my key in earlier"
pg: "I'm so happy for you guys"
jj: "Thanks, Penelope"
pg: "Of course!"

We conversed a little bit more, and ate a little more food from our fridge and pantry. We talked about Sergio a ton, and then JJ's mom coming to visit in a few days. We had a back-up plan just in case we ended up on a case that went into Friday. Penelope said she would be happy to show JJ's mom around and keep her company until we could get back to the BAU office.

After a while, we heard Garcia's phone ping. Then seconds later, ours pinged.

"Oh no" Penelope said. "We have a case" JJ added.
"Great" I said, sarcastically smiling. JJ and I looked down at our clothes then realized we were dressed in no way to go to work. Garcia decided she would go ahead leave to prepare at the BAU and JJ and I had to run to the bedroom and change quickly.

Within five minutes we had made it to my car, after scrambling for that whole time trying to change clothes and touch up our make-up in and attempt look somewhat presentable. I drove pretty quick, as fast and I could be still following the speed limit, just because we didn't want to be the last ones there.

When we pulled up, we got out together and held hands on our way inside and to the elevator. Because we were alone in there, we snuck a little kiss and then returned our brains to work mode.

We stepped out of the elevator and went straight to the round table room where only Hotch and Garcia were in there.

"The rest of team isn't here yet, so we'll wait to debrief when they get here" Hotch told us "Oh, and how was your kind of day off?". "It was good, we moved Emily out of her old apartment" JJ said. We exchanged a few more sentences, but as the rest of the team filed into the room we all sat down and began reviewing pictures and files.

jj's pov

As soon as Garcia and Hotch wrapped up the case details Hotch told us this was an important case and said "Wheels up in twenty, I feel like we will be able to get this case over with quickly", instead of "wheels up in thirty", like normal. Another unusual thing, he told Penelope that she was coming along because for this case her skills would be useful in the field.

Morgan, Garcia, and I all decided to go ahead and walk to the airstrip instead of waiting in the bullpen. Spence, Em, Hotch, and Rossi all stayed back for a few minutes just to catch up on a couple things.

While we were waiting for the rest of the team, we started talking.

morgan: "So, how is it living with Prentiss? I've heard she's a neat freak"
garcia: "She's not a neat freak"
me: "No, she's not really a neat freak, but we are both people who love to keep things clean and organized. But yeah, I love he- living with her"

Everything Happens for a Reason - JemilyWhere stories live. Discover now