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emily's pov

"I think he's too confused to tell anyone anything. We'll be fine." I had to reassure JJ that the flirty detective wouldn't tell our team what had just happened. 

I've always known that I didn't like men, and it's just been a thing in my life forever. My parents have told me time and time again that when I get out of my "phase" they will speak to me more and invite me to family gatherings. It's been more years than I can count and I've been back there maybe once or twice, but I won't hide myself just to please my family. 

When JJ kissed me, the blonde wouldn't stop apologizing for what she had just done. She and the whole team don't know I'm gay, and even she could be too but I have no way of knowing yet. That kiss, even though it was pretend, I wanted it to be real. JJ's lips were so sweet and perfect and it was so hard to pretend that I didn't want that to happen.

"Prentiss. Jareau. We want you to come question our suspect and see if we can throw him off." Hotch said busting into the room with Rossi at his side, "We don't think this is our unsub, but we do think he knows something and we just can't figure it out." I stood up and walked to the interrogation room with JJ trailing behind me.

"So Mr. Howard, is there anything you'd like to tell us about these murders?" JJ asked him in a serious tone. "No ladies. There is not." We both knew that he himself had a daughter married to another woman, and as a last resort we had to use this against him. "Sir, imagine if this was your daughter and daughter in law." He replied, "I never liked her anyway, that type of lifestyle is just wrong." JJ quickly said back "Think about your wife and your other girls. How would they feel if your daughter was brutally murdered then dumped in her own home?" "OKAY! If y'all would just shut up, maybe I'd actually tell you what I know. His intials are MA, and I don't know his name, just his screen name. I don't know where he is or what he's doing but I know it's him.  I want my lawyer now. I'm done talking.""Well good. You can leave now." I said, just trying to leave that situation.

When we left the room we found Morgan then we called Garcia. "Hey Baby girl, we've got a name for you." Morgan said to the bubbly blonde. She replied "Okay, searching now... Ah Malachi Adams, born and raised in New Orleans. His parents died 7 weeks ago during a home invasion robbery gone wrong, an-" "There's our trigger", JJ said. Garcia chimed back in: "and there is no last known address except for his childhood home, which has recently been demolished for a new building project." As Garcia ended the call, I said "Great now we have two stressors, and a crazy unsub that no one can locate."

Just then detective Lamontagne walked in. "There's been another murder. This time is was a homosexual Muslim couple, but one of them survived and she's in the hospital now. She has lots of stab wounds but she says when they unsub tried to drown her she pretended to be dead." Hotch then said, "Morgan and JJ, go to the hospital and see what you can gather from the survivor. Reid and Rossi go to their house and see what you can find, oh and take detective Lamontagne with you. Prentiss, I want you to stay here with me and run point." 

As I started to walk away, Hotch pulled me to the side and said "Prentiss, what's going on with you?" In my head I was thinking, uhh yeah the girl I think is absolutely amazing just kissed me but I said "Nothing really, I just haven't slept much." "Okay" he said, "You'd let me know if anything was wrong, right?" "yes, sir." "Okay. When JJ and Morgan get back from the hospital, I need to talk to you and JJ."

JJ called me from the hospital and to be honest I couldn't help but smile when she called. "This girl is so traumatized. She was able to give is a rough sketch and she said he was white, and that he looked between 30-40 years old." "That fits Adams. Hotch said when you guys get back he wants to talk to me and you, but he didn't say why" I said back to her. Right before the call ended she frantically said "I've got to go."

As soon as JJ and Morgan got back Hotch found the both of us and said; "We need you two to go undercover as a couple. We have an apartment ready downtown and everything set up to make the unsub want to find you." "Uh okay how long will be doing this?" JJ asked nervously. "Until we find him. But I promise we won't let him get to you." I was sort of scared for this. I zoned out a little but I did hear Hotch mention that we had to stick to a strict schedule and we had to act like a casual couple in public. 

When JJ and I got to the apartment it was decorated with picture of us and things we like. "Wowww" JJ said "Garcia really must have done some digging to find these." "Yeah" I said, "It looks like she gave us assigned sides of the bed too, unless we want to fall asleep staring at pictures of ourselves." We both started laughing and giggling. "So, what do you want to do?" "We could go get dinner? or watch a movie?" JJ said. "I heard Hotch say that if we go out we have to see if anyone is watching us or following us, but we can't do anything." I replied back, "I'm up for that challenge if you are, but let's changes clothes first." JJ then said "Are we going fancy or casual tonight?" After thinking for a minute, I said, "Fancy."

I hope this isn't to terrible lol.                                                                                                                                 Word count: 1035

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