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emily's pov

When I woke up, it was 8:00 on a Sunday. Finally, the day I can get out of this annoying hospital.

Around 45 minutes after I woke up, JJ came in with her mom, carrying breakfast for me. "Good morning, and happy getoutofthehospital day!" JJ said. Sandy waved at me from behind her. "Here's some breakfast. I'm not letting you leave until you eat it", Jayje said, thrusting a tupperware container at me. "Um, what is it?" I asked, trying not to sound rude. "Bacon and a pancake. We haven't gone to the grocery store in a long time" JJ told me. Then her mom laughed. "Thanks babe", I replied, then started to eat.

Then they came and sat beside me. "We brought you a change of clothes too" Sandy told me as she sat them at the foot of the bed. I swallowed my bite of food and thanked her. I can't say why, but for some reason every time I swallowed it was like my organs were screaming at me. But as far as I knew, nothing was wrong, so I did my best to ignore it.

As soon as I finished eating, I hobbled to the bathroom on crutches that the doctor gave me. JJ brought me the clothes, and shut the door. It felt really nice to be in real clothes, even though it had only been a few days. I folded the hospital gown up and set it on the counter and once again hobbled back to the bed. JJ went and got the gown for me, and laid it on the bed.

"How are you?", JJ asked. "Good. Excited to go home" I said. "By the way, I'm using a few of my vacation days to stay home with you, but Hotch says that sometime within the next couple weeks you can go work with Garcia until your foots better" JJ told me, "Oh, and one more thing, My mom is gonna stay a couple more days, in the guest room at our apartment. Is that okay? I had her come over because I was scared to be alone". She blushed after she said that, maybe not realizing what she said.

"Of course! It'll be nice" I said. Sandy smiled at me, and shortly after the doctor walked in with discharge papers.

While I was signing them, JJ talked to him. The only part I heard him say was for her to keep an eye on me, and she agreed. The one bad thing about this doctor was that he was noticeably homophobic, and he would only refer to JJ as my "best friend". It just made me sad that this is what our society is today.

I handed him the signed documents, he took them and left the room saying he would be back in a couple minutes. "You are free to go! Be careful" He told me. Then, as fast as I could on crutches, left the room.

jj's pov

On the way out, we decided to stop by Spencer's room. We chatted with his mom, and then Em and I walked in while my mom stood in the hallway.

spence: "How are you Prentiss?"
em: "Good. I'm glad to being going home. You? And when do get out of here?"
me: "Yeah, I can't remember what you said"
spence: "I'm on the mend. I think tomorrow actually. Why did they keep you so long?"
em: "I'm not sure"
me: "It was because she wasn't eating, and her concussion was a little weird"
spence: "Why wasn't she eating?"
me: "She won't say"
em: "Baby! Reid, don't worry about me. I'll be okay"

She said that, but then she leaned back onto the wall because she could barely hold herself up on crutches.

me: "Well, I guess we'll see you later, Spence"
spence: "Bye, give Sergio my love!"
em: "Bye"

We joined my mom when we left the room and the three of us headed to my car together. Em and I alternated giving my mom directions to my apartment because she was driving. We
decided to sit together in the back, so I could "prop Emily's foot up with my leg" but we really just wanted to sit together.

"I'm glad your apartment is on the first floor" My mom told me as we pulled into the parking lot. "Me too" Em said. I laughed in support. "I'm so happy to be home. And to see Sergio" Emily told us. "I'm sure he misses you" I replied, then we got out of the car. I helped Em get on her feet, or foot, and handed her the crutches.

Everything Happens for a Reason - JemilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon