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emily's pov

As soon as we set foot in the room we ultimately decided to get the annoying stuff over with, that way we could chill in the room for the rest of the night. We started packing up all of our things after changing into comfy clothes, leaving one outfit out to wear in the morning.

"That was a good dinner" I said out loud . "Yeah it was, but I wasn't too hungry" JJ replied. Then, we started a little conversation.

me: "JJ, please tell me what's really bothering you. It's making me sad, seeing you sad"
jj: "I already told you, Em. It's just getting to me really bad for some reason right now. But I'll be fine, I just need to figure out what to say to my mom"
me: "Okay, i apologize for pestering you"
jj: "It's fine, Emily. Come here"

She motioned for me to come sit beside her on the bed, which she just plopped down on.

"I love you" she said, resting her hands on my face "Thank you for being so amazing" "I love you too, baby" I said, pressing my lips to her cheek.

We simultaneously started crying, seemingly out of nowhere. I saw a tear fall from her eye, which made me cry. We hugged each other tighter and proceeded to lay back in the bed together. I just watched her, and she watched me back, neither of us saying anything for a long time.

Once we got a grip on ourselves, we talked about what to do with JJ's mom.

me: "I have an idea"
jj: "What's that?"
me: "Why don't you just invite your mom to Quantico, to like, visit for the day? We don't even have to say anything, and maybe she'll just be happy to see you"
jj: "I don't know, I mean that sounds like a good idea, but what if she finds out, Em"

Then she whimpered a little but we just keep talking.

me: "She doesn't have to know, Jayje. And she won't, because you and I both know we're great at keeping secrets"

We both laughed at that, and as one last year fell from her eye, JJ smiled.

jj: "Okay. I guess I'll call her when we land tomorrow, and see if she wants to come next weekend. You're very persuasive, Emily Prentiss"
me: "Good! I'm excited to meet her for the first time"
jj: "Why didn't I think of that? Thank you for using your smart superpowers"
me: "Don't thank me JJ, and you're welcome. You deserve a relationship with her, and you deserve to feel save and loved"

She didn't verbally respond, but I knew she understood what I was saying by the way she looked at me. We were both sitting on opposite ends of the bed now, scrolling through emails and texts and social media. I checked all of my inboxes but they were pretty empty, except for a text from Garcia wanting to come down to our room. I asked JJ what she thought and when she said yes, I replied and told her to come, so we just sat still until she came down.

jj's pov

I got up from the bed to answer Garcia at the door because I was closer than Em. It was getting late and dark, but of course we still wanted to hang out.

"Hey lovebirds" Penelope said, walking into the room. "Hello Penelope" I replied.

Em turned her phone off, and sat up on the bed. "Hey" she said.

Garcia walked across the room and sat in the rickety old hotel room chair in front of the window. I think she just wanted to talk, and that was fine with us.

pg: "So how long have you guys actually been 'together'?"
me: "Uhh well, I don't really know. Em, do you remember?"
em: "I'm sure I knew at some point but I don't really know"

Everything Happens for a Reason - JemilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon