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Mixture of my actual name and Etho, guess what my name is.
This is a how we got together.

Captain Newtons POV

It was season 5 of Hermitcraft he was in NHO and I was doing my best to take down commander and EX once and for all. Towards the end there was a party and he was heavily flirty with me, at first it was weird but then I found it cute and charming as he tried oh so hard in his drunken state. The next day when someone told him what he had done he tracked me down and confessed he actually like me for real and we went on a date.

I enjoyed myself and soon O found my self having feelings back, He loved the way that I cared for others like no other and when you got to know my I was the biggest idiot ever. I loved how different he was, I loved his cold exterior soft interior and how he made everything so much better. (A/N: I am totally making things up about him and I know its Etho's Lab before y'all at me)

One date became two, two became four, and soon we were official. I thought about not telling him my prime status but I talked to X and we thought it would be ok so I told. He was in for a surprise but didn't mind it, he thought wow this is awesome. I had to tell him not awesome.

When he left hermitcraft for season 6 I was sad but I would switch to our own little world and leave love letters for him so our long distance relationship didn't feel so long distance. When he said he would join for season 7 I was ecstatic and baked a cake for him.

What was weird for him was the whole, my girlfriend won't age anymore, sort of thing. But he was ok with it, I was only sad that eventually I would out live him for a long long time. Maybe I could pull some string with the council and get him long living as well. Then again I can't just go around handing out this type of stuff for personal use. Then again X uses his powers for infinite tea, so maybe its not all crazy thoughts. Then again yea is one thing near immortality is totally different.

—-Present day—- oct 2020—

I was working on my mega mansion's pool when I heard a elytra and someone landing. I felt arms wrap around me and knew the ninja was here. Theo set his head on mine him being a head and a half taller made that easy. Theo is Etho spelled differently so I've been using it as a nickname but love is his pet name. End of season 5 we confessed it was more than just feeling and said 'I love you' which had brought us closer than ever before and now we are inseparable.

"Yes Theo?"

"X wanted me to come get you," he said

"And why couldn't he just message me," I said facing him now.

"I don't know but whatever it is it's good and he wanted me there with him," he said smiling, you couldn't see the smile but the way his eye's shined and the cheeks moved you know that was what he was doing.

Grabbing my rockets I let him take me where X was, said person had a cup of tea in hand.

"I have called you here for some excellent news, one that the council has been weary about," X stated making my eyebrows raise.

"Of course they don't know its you Newton but they have allowed the Primes significant other to have the same life span as the Primes," X cheered. My hand flew to my mouth realizing what this meant, I wouldn't have to witness Etho dying while I lived for Millions of years on. Etho did nothing letting the news sink in as well.

"Congratulations now my tea and I have building to get to," and X flew off like he told us the ocean was water.
I brought Etho in a kiss that he gladly returned and then hugged like there was no one else on the server.

"So what happens now?" He asks.

"Nothing much except that we made history, no one has ever been allowed to do this. It's why you never hear of a Prime having a lover, they choose not to go through the pain of leaving a loved one behind in such a way." I explain hoping he gets how remarkable this is. I will be the first Prime to get married, ever, which is historical.

I knew he got it when he took off his mask and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Sweet bliss.

Thanks for reading and hope you like the dynamic. Captain Newton is a extension of me and she loves Etho not me.
Also name reveal at end of book. (Y'all think you were going to get it that easy?)

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