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I know this book is on hold but I made a cross over between my books.

Say what?

(It's cross over time!)

Idea: All three of my OC's meet each other, fandoms included: Hermitcraft (Minecraft), Marvel, Star Wars.

I had a book I took down due to lost motivation. It was based around harry potter and evil hermione. I just love turning our beloved good guys into something absolutely evil and often narcissistic.

This story will be shared in all my books posted. ;)


Bella's POV (Hermitcraft)

I was going through paperwork when a blinding red light seared through the lands scaring the shit out of me. It felt as if my head was spinning before I passed out.

But when I woke up I was not where I had just been. I woke up with the rest of the Hermitcraft crew on what looks like to be the top of a building. I tested my powers to find they still worked but I couldn't create a portal home. By the time I discovered this information the rest of the crew had woken up. Once we were all accounted for we took a look around where we are. 

"Who are you?" I heard a kid's voice ask. I whipped around to see a brunette staring at us.

"I'm Prime Admin Newton who you are," I ask skeptically.

"Spiderman,  and what's a prime admin?" He asks, tilting his head in confusion. I stared at him in confusion but didn't get to answer by the presence of a large shadow from over us. A huge mass was now blocking out the sun turning what was mid day to a night like dark. I glance at Xisuma who spreads his wings as we soar to the skys to inspect the new mass. It was a spaceship I saw a woman inside who looked ready to kil. I shot myself in front soon realizing these were not friends as I saw her hold a red lightsaber. (Eh yeah she knows what a lightsaber is)

I shot back to where we were with X hot on my tail.

"Bad Guys!" I screamed pointing at the ship. The kid's eyes widen as he runs into the building screaming what I relayed.

A team with costumes comes running or flying out to confront the new enemies. The rest of the hermits sayed on top of the tower while X and I went to help the team.

"I don't know who you are but are you helpful?" A redhead shouts at me as she fights several white armored men. I start fighting with her and she nods telling something to her team that seems to make it ok for us to be there. I rush over to the big bad woman and start combating her using an obsidian sword. I see X fighting a man dressed just like her which I figured was her male counterpart, I eventually knocked her out using a thunder clap. It wasn't hard to knock them out just kinda exhausting. They talked a lot, specifically the girl who declared herself Kario Ren demanding I surrender but the nether has to freeze before I surrender.


We decided to tie them up and question them after proving to be the good guys not the other way around.

About twenty minutes later the ship has seemed to go to orbit leaving the two with us but with superhuman vision that I can access you can see that they are closely watching the situation.

When the two do wake up they seem to make quite the fuss in the chairs we have magically tied them to. The group front he tower seemed astounded with the powers X and I possess. I smirked when I showed them a small portion of my abilities like flight, speed, invisibility, and a few more. X showed them a more technical side like bringing up the coding for the entire building without even having to ask for access codes or passwords. He had always been more technical burying himself in books of coding while I loved to train and fight my way through the problem.

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