Among us

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Ten hermits were on the skeld Etho, Bella, Grian, Iskall, Tango, Impulse, Ren, bdubs, scar, and Stress. They were on their way to Polus where the rest of the hermits had already arrived safely. Unfortunately they would not stay safe for very long two hermits unknowingly would be out for blood.

First person Bella Newton.

Bella was fixing wiring outside admin when she heard a scream she started down the hallway to find the dead body of Scar with nothing but a knife wound. She pressed the dead body report on his suit and felt herself get transported to the meeting table. There she saw 8 other hermits meaning only Scar was dead, oh poor scar, how were they going to tell Cub.

"Where was it?" Grian asks first.

"Just inside the reactor,"

"did you see anyone?"Grian asks, and I shake my head no.

"So how do we know it's not you?" Grian challenges.

"I was doing wiring in Admin," I say and they nod, they knew I was a really bad liar.

"So if it's not you then who," Etho asks from next to me.

"I don't know but we need to stick together," I say scared.

"Teams of two and a team of three sound good?" Ren asks and we all nod. We all call pass and I stick with Etho, we head over to the reactor to prime it up, one of his tasks. All was going well until we went into Navigation to see a very dead Tango. I heard the vent just as I entered to call the dead body button.

"Bella this is the second time you've called a body report," Grian accuses.

"It's not Bella I was with her," Etho vouches and I look at him thankfully.

"He was with two people when we split up I point out," Grian nods Impulse and Ren were with him.

"So it could be one of them?" Etho says and we look to the two.
Both of them didn't show signs of being an imposter but who else could it be?

"So Impulse who did you kill first?" Grian asks, staring him down.

"Ididn'tkillanybodyIwenttoweapons,thennavigation,andthenheadedtoreactor-" Impulse raps.

"Imma stop you there, that's sus," Grian laughs with tears down his face.

"OMG, That's like the fastest you've ever spoken!" Iskall says as sell also laughing, correction all but impulse was laughing.

All of us voted him out so we only had one left.

I meet my demise next, I get separated from Etho and Iskall takes the initiative to shoot me down in the upper engine. While Etho was looking for me he found me and it broke my heart. He stares at my body before breaking down and sliding down the wall in tears. Eventually Grian finds him and takes a whole fifteen minutes to one. Calm him down and two make sure it wasn't Etho anyway. Grian presses my body report and they have the biggest fight in the cafeteria that I've ever seen. I hover next to Etho for the remainder of everything. I see three more done before someone finds a body, Ren, Stress, and Bdubs leaving Etho, Iskall, Grian to find who.

Eventually Iskall gets caught faking a task and our deaths are avenged, but the next hard part was telling their loved ones that they weren't coming back. Everyone takes it differently but mainly close, tears and anger were promident.

I gave up towards the end.


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