Author Saddness

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This is a AN addressing some thing... (Sobs T-T)

So several hermits said their season sevens are coming to a end or done. Which leaves the question, where does this book do, and I though about just making a long ass book.

But no I'm not doing that due to ya know not wanting to have one long book for two seasons.

BUT! Here's the good news, it means I'm making a new book.

I will continue to update and write in this book until season 8 starts, I don't know how long that will be, weeks, months IDK but that's the plan.


Which means new storylines, since I like to follow the Hermitcraft season story lines. So that means new story lines for my OC Bella. How exciting and fun is that?

Now until I get a few Ideas together updates may slow, idk yet.


Also do you think anyone will re-join?
I know X said no new members but what about re-joins such as Biffa?

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