Chapter 35 - Ace

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The plan is simple, Fe acts like she's tempting me outside and once I'm outside I act surprised, pretend I'm fucked and then once Bert is safe we take Lipizi down

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The plan is simple, Fe acts like she's tempting me outside and once I'm outside I act surprised, pretend I'm fucked and then once Bert is safe we take Lipizi down. I know there's a million ways shit could go sideways, but as long as I stay close to Fe and protect her, once her father is back I don't give a fuck. I love Fe and I want nothing more than to be by her side, but if I die so she can have her dad then so be it. They should never have been dragged into my mess, they're innocent in this, I'm the one who framed Lipizi, I'm the one who deserves to suffer.

"You've got this." I assure Fe as she reaches out for the door handle

"I love you." She smiles nervously before turning to open it. Holding my hand tightly she guides me out of the cabin and around to the driveway into the property

"What the fuck is this?" I act surprised as I look up into the eyes of Massimo Lipizi. Prison hasn't been kind to him and for that I'm pleased. He's aged hard and looks like shit under his designer suit. His hair thinner, his face wrinkled and paler, looks like he put on a few pounds too.

"Thomas Porter, I've dreamt of this day for a long time." Lipizi smiles like a kid at Christmas

"I must say, you look different, but I see you under there, the scared little boy I should've killed along side your brother." Oh man I'm gonna make him suffer before I kill him

"Looks like you were fucked by too many brothers in prison Lipizi, you need a cushion to sit down these days or what?" I smirk

"I must say it was very clever, your little plan to have me sent away. It's a shame you never worked for me, I could use smarts like that. Although you weren't smart enough to save your brother. He screamed like a whore when I cut him open, he died very slowly and painfully, but we enjoyed the show didn't we men?" Lipizi laughs as he looks to the man on his left. I step towards him, ready to rip him apart with my bare hands when Fe pulls me back

"Good girl for coming through little Phoenix, I really am surprised you have done as I asked." Lipizi says turning his gaze on Fe

"Where's my dad?" Fe asks trying to look strong, but I see the fear in her eyes, not long Fe, we've got this baby.

"Ah yes that was the deal wasn't it? Porter in exchange for your fathers return." Lipizi says as he nods to the man beside him. The man walks to the back door of the SUV and opens it up before reaching inside. Bert is tossed face first into the dirt, his hands tied behind his back so he can't protect his face.

"Dad." Fe sobs, she moves but I stop her this time

"Wait Fe." I whisper, she stands straight

"We had a little fun with him, but he's alive, for now. Give me Porter and you can have your precious daddy back." Lipizi says motioning to me

"Enough, you can have me, just let him go." I say pointing to Bert

"You give in so easily." Lipizi says brows furrowed

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