Chapter 13 - Ace

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"She's Lucky we love her

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"She's Lucky we love her." Doc groans as he wipes the sweat from his forehead

"They all knew, we'll make them all pay." Bullet grumbles

"Fuck me it's hot today." Knuckles says as he takes his shirt off to use as a towel

"Woo! Take it off daddy!" Scarlett yells from the deck. What Cordelia said was a party at her house was actually a trick to get all the guys together for digging out her new pool. All the girls are watching, drinking cocktails, while us guys fucking slave.

"I'm collecting my payment tonight." Killer smirks as he looks up at Cordelia. All the guys are fawning over their women, they're all so pussy whipped they're out here in heat over one hundred degrees hauling dirt for their women. I'm doing it because Cordelia helped save me and I respect the hell out of her.

Maybe jeans wasn't my best choice for today, but I didn't know I was going to be working, I thought we were partying. The old ladies knew, but none of the guys knew until we got here. My shirt is tucked in my jeans, covered in sweat and dirt

"Here you go guys, we thought you could use a break." Scarlett calls as Fe helps her carry over beers for all of us. I see Fe looking at my bare chest. I feel like an asshole for how I left things the other night. She's avoiding me and I don't blame her.

"You look a little hot Ace." Scarlett smirks as she pushes Fe towards me, bitch. Fe looks fucking hot today in denim cut off shorts and a halter top leaving her flat stomach on display, the wolf tattoo on it looking right at me.

"Here." Fe says as she hands me a beer

"Thanks." I nod. She doesn't say anything else, just turns to walk away giving me a view of her perfect ass. It's by no means small, but not fat, enough for me to wrap my hand around and squeeze, enough for me to watch it shake as I bend her over and thrust roughly inside her. My palms burn with the memory of how that perfect ass felt in them the other night. I just want to sink my teeth into those perfect globes and then...

"Ace?" My fantasy stops when I hear Sockets voice

"You good there?" He smirks as I turn to look at him.

"Fuck you." I growl before taking a sip of my beer

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it's not Socket you want to fuck." Doc motions to the fucking tent in my jeans that I seem to get whenever I simply fucking look at Fe. A loud as fuck whistle comes from the deck and I know it's Adeline.

"Fuck me what is she doing?" Needles sighs as he looks up at Molly, she's standing next to Addy laughing with the girls

"Hey, ease up man." Doc says stopping him from walking off

"Get the fuck off me." Needles growls back

"Hey, relax man. what's been up your ass lately?" Ice asks

"Nothing, I just got a lot of shit going on." Needles grumbles as he shakes off Docs hand on his shoulder

"Yeah and my old lady has been fucking bitching to me about it." Doc replies

"Well it's none of your fucking business." Needles growls, getting up in Docs face

"It is when you're being a fucking idiot to her niece and upsetting her." Doc steps even closer to Needles, I know they have a history, when Docs woman Addy first came around they fought a few times.

"Enough." Killer orders getting between them.

"Boo! I wanted to watch a fight!" I hear Scarlett yell

"I was going to talk to you in my office but you want to do this here, we'll do this here. All the old ladies have been bitching at us to talk to you. We've all had pregnant women, we know what you're going through man, we're your brothers, so fucking talk to us." Killer sighs as they all give up digging and stand together drinking their beers.

There's no way in hell I want a girl, let alone get her pregnant. I have no idea how these guys do it, the shit the club has dealt with just since I got here, how they focus when they have women and kids to protect. I couldn't even protect my brother, how the fuck would I keep a woman and a child safe

"You're fucking kidding me!?" Reaper gasps pulling me from my thoughts

"You haven't fucked your wife for two months?" Ice asks

"I don't want anything to happen, don't you get that, I could lose them both." Needles yells

"I get it." Circuit says. Circuits wife Skye was paralysed in a motorcycle accident before they met, they didn't plan to have a baby, but because of her injuries her pregnancy was high risk and Circuit was a pain in the ass for the whole nine months, if he couldn't be by his wife's side, I had to be there, or one of the other prospects.

"I was terrified of losing Skye and Delilah when she was pregnant, but she was still my woman. Please tell me you are at least giving her something." Circuit asks

"No, I don't want to lose control." Needles sighs

"You're a fucking idiot." Knuckles says shaking his head.

"Your girl is scared herself, her hormones are everywhere and she is getting bigger everywhere. What do you think the fact you've suddenly stopped touching her makes her feel?" Sonny asks

"She knows I love her, she knows I don't care about her getting bigger, she's pregnant for fucks sake, of course she's going to get bigger." Needles says, eyebrows furrowed. Most of the guys mumble that he's an idiot

"Scarlett cried nearly every day because she couldn't fit into her leather pants. I told her every day that she was beautiful but she didn't believe me. You know what worked? I made her ride my face until she couldn't walk and then she knew I still wanted her." Knuckles explains

"Fuck." Needles curses. He drops his beer and begins walking away

"Where the fuck are you going?" Killer calls

"I'm going home to make my wife come until she passes out!" Needles calls, not looking back. The guys laugh and the girls whistle, Molly blushing a deep red. There was a time when Molly first started at the shop, that I thought about her, but there's no way I could take care of her like Needles does, even if he's being an idiot right now.

As the sun set we gave up on digging and set up a fire pit. All the couples are huddled together, which is awkward as hell because Fe and I are sat alone. Fe tried to leave but Scarlett convinced her to stay. She looks as uncomfortable as I feel. I down my beer, hoping it'll give me some liquid courage as I stand and move to sit next to Fe

"I want to apologise for how I left things the other night." I say as I sit beside her

"Don't, it's fine, you were right." She shrugs.

"That was easier than I expected." I chuckle to try and lighten the tension between us

"Honestly Ace, you were right, we have a lot of history, we work together and I'm only here for a few months. It's best we just stay friends." She smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. She called me Ace, why don't I like that? She normally calls me Tommy

"Anyway, I'm headed to Scars. I feel like dancing. Any one want to join me?" Fe asks as she stands

"We're in." Addy says as she climbs out of Docs lap

"Us too." Scarlett says as she jumps up from Knuckles. I watch as they all leave, I want to follow Fe, pick up where we left off and take her until she's screaming my real name at the top of her lungs, but I don't.

"I'm going to bed." I groan as I stand and leave, heading for the clubhouse.

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