Chapter 11 - Ace

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"Oh my god!" Fe laughs with a mouthful of Mongolian beef

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"Oh my god!" Fe laughs with a mouthful of Mongolian beef

"I remember that, he chased you both and my dad hid you in the back of the shop." She smiles. After me realising I was being an ass and her taking care of my drunk ass I agreed we could talk. I bought take out and we're sitting in her apartment eating and reminiscing about when we were kids. I thought talking about my past would be too painful but all we've done is laugh about the shit me and my brother used to get up to.

"I missed you both you know? I cried for days after Billy died and I never knew what happened to you." She sighs

"Your dad and the Vegas prez helped sneak me out, sent me here." I explain

"They let people think you disappeared into the desert and killed yourself. I knew you wouldn't do that, I thought some one had murdered you, I was so surprised when I realised it was you and you're alive." Fe smiles, we both study our food as we think about my brother

"Oh shit, remember that time you and Billy borrowed my dads car, picked me up from school and then broke down in the middle of the desert, I thought my dad was going to blow a vein when he came to get us." Fe laughs

"Remember it? I still have the scar from the damn radiator." I laugh as I show the faded scar on my palm, she takes my hand in hers and runs her finger over the scar, fuck if she carries on doing that I'm going to have to adjust my jeans.

"I know our lives were pretty shitty back then but we still had some fun didn't we?" She smiles as she looks up from my hand to me, fuck she's beautiful.

"Yeah." I clear my throat as I pull my hand back and turn back to my food

"Although I think you win on that one." She chuckles as she picks up her food

"Nah you win, your mom beats my mom any day." I smirk

"I guess, a hooker killed by a John sucks, but your mom died in a meth lab explosion, that was bigger news than my mom." She laughs. It's pretty sick we laugh about how our mothers were killed I know, but both of our childhoods were fucked up.

"I guess, but I remember you crying about the posters in school." I reply

"Yeah, but you and Billy helped me with that." She smirks. Some kids in Fe's class found the news article about her mom and put posters up in school, they kept asking her how much it would cost to fuck her, she was twelve for fucks sake. Billy and I were always protective of Fe because she was a sweet kid and her dad was our saviour so we went in heavy and the boys never bothered her again.

"I had my dad though, I got lucky there." She smiles, she was always a daddy's girl and apparently that hasn't changed

"Did you ever find out what happened to your dad?" She asks and I sigh

"No, but I'm pretty sure he's dead." I shrug, I rarely think about my meth head of a father, after my mom died and we were put in the system he got clean and got us back, but it was just bullshit, he was soon back on the meth and tried to get me and Billy buying and selling for him, he would beat the shit out of us just for breathing wrong, that's why we ran and ended up on the streets. The streets were still way better than living with Ray.

"When I think back I don't remember the shitty times, I remember the good times, remember how many nights we would spend playing cards in the back when my dad had to work late?" She smiles pulling me from the dark thoughts of my father.

"I still have the deck you gave me for my birthday." She smiles as she stands, goes over to her nightstand and pulls the deck from the drawer

"Man I forgot about these." I reply as she hands them to me.

"I remember everything you taught me, I even got banned from playing poker at the clubhouse, because I was taking all the guys money." She laughs. Cards were the only thing that kept us going at one point. When the night crawled in and we had no idea where we were going to sleep, when Billy started thinking too much, I'd pull the cards from my pocket and we'd play. Billy could count cards and kick my ass but the game always ended with us laughing, even when we played on a dirty box under a street light.

"Sorry, do you want me to change the subject?" Fe asks as she places her hand on the cards in my hand

"No, it's ok, I just... I haven't thought about Billy as much as I have since you came around, I miss him." I sigh

"I miss him too, I missed you as well, I'm so happy you're alive. Why don't we play? For old times sake, see if I can finally kick your ass." She smirks

"Oh you're on." I smile as I open the cards.

"Thank you for tonight, I've been getting home sick, but this has cheered me up." Fe smiles as I stand in the doorway

"I enjoyed tonight too, it was nice not to worry about what I say, even if you did kick my ass at poker." I chuckle

"So I'll see you at work in the morning?" I should just nod and walk away, but something is stopping me. I want to push Fe back inside and press her against the nearest wall, but I shouldn't. I see the look in her eyes, she feels it too, she bites her lower lip and I have to fight with my arm not to reach up and free her lip with my thumb.

"Tommy..." Fe whispers

"Fe..." we move at the same time as our bodies collide and our lips crash together. She grips my jacket as my fingers snake into her hair and I walk her back inside.

She feels fucking incredible, she puts on a tough front but she's so soft, her lips, her hair and her skin are all like silk. And her taste, fuck, she's so sweet, it's the only thing I ever want to taste.

Once I get her backed up against the wall I run my free hand under her shirt and up her spine, making her shudder. Her hands travel up into my hair and she tugs lightly pulling me closer as our tongues tease, taste and explore each other. My hand travels back down her spine and I grab her ass, the globe filling my hand perfectly as she grinds against me

"Tommy." She gasps when I kiss her neck, she reaches up and pushes my leather cut off my shoulders. I remove my hand from her ass and grab the back of her thighs, lifting her up, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I groan as her pussy grinds against my hard dick

"Oh fuck... Tommy." She moans as I bite the delicate skin of her neck. I don't want to hurt her but this primal urge surges inside me, to claim her, mark her, make her mine in every way possible.

But that can't happen.

"Fe..." I sigh as I let go of her and she lands on her feet "We shouldn't do this."

I step back as she looks up at me, I see a flicker of hurt in her eyes and it hits me like a bullet to the chest, but then it's gone

"You're right, I should go, I have to be up for work in the morning. Good night Ace." Fe says as she straightens her clothes and walks away to the stairs. Fuck, I just made everything worse, I need to improve my self control, there's just something about her that makes me lose control.

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