Chapter 1 - Ace

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! I know it's been a while but I am busting my ass with this pandemic

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! I know it's been a while but I am busting my ass with this pandemic. I look sexy as hell in my gown, mask and goggles, not! But I still found time here and there to write a little, I'm not promising on how regular the updates will be, but I will try. I hope you and your families stay safe and hopefully we can ride this shit out xxx

"Hold still lil' mama this'll only take a second." I give her a seductive wink as I look up at her then get back to work.

"Oh my god!" She cries out as she has a death grip on her friends hand

"There you go, all done, that wasn't so bad was it?" I smirk as I take off my gloves. She looks down and admires the new piercing in her belly button.

"Slut." Evie giggles as the girl and her friend wave as they leave

"If you don't mind Evie, I find that term offensive, I am clearly a skank." I shrug and she laughs. I've known Evie a few years now, her brother Socket is a member of our motorcycle club. I didn't even know he had a sister until she was released from the hospital. Now she's married to another member Reaper, and they have two cute little kids. Evie's so much happier than when I first met her, but I still see her brain over working sometimes, so I try to make her laugh whenever I can.

"Are you free this afternoon to sit in on my appointment?" She asks, embarrassment in her eyes, if she's tattooing a guy she doesn't know, Needles and I take turns sitting in with her to help her feel comfortable, I know she gets embarrassed about it, but I don't care.

"Yeah no problem, as long as he doesn't stink up the room like that dude last week." I gag

"Yeah, I still owe Needles for sticking me with him." Evie says rolling her eyes. Needles, another member of the Broken Demons Motorcycle Club, owns this tattoo shop, he taught me everything I know and then he taught Evie too.

"That girl told me to give you this." Becky says handing me a piece of paper. Becky is a college student who works the front desk at the shop between classes, Needles old lady Molly did it for a while, but then she opened up her bakery next door and we were stuck doing payments, paperwork and answering the phone.

I laugh when I look at the paper, the girls name and number with a heart next to it. I screw it up and toss it in the trash can

"Aww, not gonna at least buy the girl a drink?" Evie asks

"No way, I'm not into girls like that." I reply.

"I'm sorry but didn't you tell Reaper as long as she has two sets of lips you're good?" She smirks raising her eyebrow

"Do the guys keep anything from their old ladies?" I groan

"Nope." She says popping the P "It's more fun this way."

I roll my eyes as she walks off down the hall, Becky laughing as she turns up the music.

I keep my face neutral as I look around at my competitors, you're going down fuckers.

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