Chapter 19 - Ace

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! So, I'm a dick 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wrote something different for this chapter, but I was never sure on it

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! So, I'm a dick 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wrote something different for this chapter, but I was never sure on it. So what did I do? I deleted the whole thing and had to start again. So, I hope you like this because it stressed me out 😂


"I think it's time to get you home." I say into Fe's ear

"But I'm having fun." She pouts, yeah she's wasted.

"It stopped being fun when I had to stop you climbing on stage with Angel." I smirk, had the club not been full I would've let her have at it, but I don't want anyone else seeing what's mine.

"But she gave me the best lap dance, I was just returning the favour." Fe shrugs, yeah that was pretty hot to watch.

"Girl you have given me lady wood that won't go down." Scarlett says as she helps me slowly guide Fe to the front door of the club

"We should dance!" Fe gasps grabbing Scarlett

"Oh no girl, you go home and sleep it off, I'll show you the videos in the morning." Scarlett laughs

"Delete them." I warn "Well, after you send them to me."

Scarlett laughs as we finally make it outside. The prospect has pulled a truck out front, no way am I risking taking Fe on my motorcycle this hammered.

"Come on Fe." I say as I guide her to the back door

"Wait, where's your motorcycle? I want to ride!" She proclaims as I shake my head

"We can go for a ride tomorrow, I've had too much to drive, prospect will take us home." I say hoping she'll buy it.

"Fine, but you owe me a ride big guy." She says pressing her hand to my chest and looking up at me. I laugh as I lift her into the truck and climb in beside her.

"Prospect, take us to her apartment." I order and he nods as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"What kind of name is Prospect? What was his mom thinking?" Fe asks seriously

"Prospects don't get names until we give them to them, so he is called Prospect for now." I explain, Killer has really tightened the rules on prospects lately.

"Oh, duh!" Fe says giggling. I finally manage to get her buckled up, but her hands are roaming. I'd be happy to pull her into my lap and give her that ride she wants, but not when she's this wasted, and definitely not when the prospect is watching.

Her lips graze my neck as her hand slips under my shirt and her fingers trace my abs

"I want to lick every inch of your body." She whispers against my ear. Before I can stop her she unbuckles her seatbelt and straddles my hips

"Fe, get back in your seat." I order

"What are you going to do if I don't? Punish me?" She smirks as she grinds against me, fuck I'm hard, I can't help it when she's all over me.

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