Chapter 7 - Ace

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! Those of you who have seen my post of my profile will know why I haven't updated for so long

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! Those of you who have seen my post of my profile will know why I haven't updated for so long. For those of you who haven't, I was working six days a week to fight the pandemic, and now I'm at home in quarantine because I have tested positive for Coronavirus myself. In a way it's a good thing, because I'm napping, I've spring cleaned my whole house and now, now I'm writing.

Thank you to everyone for the sweet messages I've had, you are the greatest readers I could ask for ❤️ I hope you and yours stay safe! Xxx

I groan as I wake up. I might have overdone it last night, but after finding out who the hot girl I'm going to be working with is, I drank until I forgot. Only I couldn't forget. As drunk as I was I couldn't sleep for memories of my brother, of the tattoo shop in Vegas I was obsessed with because of the cool pictures all over the windows. Of the owner, Bert, who gave us food when we had none, gave us a place to sleep and eventually saved my life. Memories of his daughter, the scrawny little girl who would play with her hair or her skirt whenever my brother was nearby.

The high pitched noise of my cell phone threatens to shatter my skull as it vibrates across my nightstand

"What?" I groan as I answer it

"You're lucky I can't leave Molly or I'd be beating your ass right now." Needles yells down the phone, making me wince and pull it from my ear

"It's Nixs first day and you're fucking late! Get your ass here now!" He yells before he ends the call. I groan as I roll onto my back and rub my eyes with my palms. I need to talk to Killer, tell him about Fe, try to keep my distance until she goes home. But then with so many people and kids to protect what would he do to Fe? I don't want her hurt to keep my secret, she deserves to be happy, she had just as shitty upbringing as I did.

I throw on my clothes, forgoing the shower I probably really need, and grab my keys before running down the stairs.

"Woah, easy there." Cordelia says as she grabs my arm to stop from falling

"Sorry, didn't mean to crash into you." I reply as I help her straighten up

"It's ok, I was just coming to check on you, is everything ok? You hit it pretty hard last night." She asks looking up at me, eyes full of sympathy

"I can't talk, I'm late for work." I reply as I step back

"Oh please." Cordelia waves her hand as she pulls out her cell phone and types a message

"There we go, now you, talk." She smirks

"You texted Needles?" I sigh as I follow her to a booth

"Uh no, I texted Molly. You want one of these big lugs to do something, you get his woman on it." She chuckles

"Is everything ok Ace? I know it's a shitty time of year for you but it seems to be hitting you harder this time around. You know you can talk to me." She places her hand on my knee. I could tell her about Fe, I'm sure she wouldn't tell, but then her loyalty is to her husband, my president, so I can't risk it.

"I just, I was thinking about Billy more because of the Vegas guys. Seeing the Vegas cuts brought back memories, that's all." I shrug, hoping she buys the lie

"Oh honey. Well that was bullshit. But if you don't want to talk yet fine, you change your mind, you come find me." She points at me before sliding a to go cup of coffee towards me.

"I gotta get to the clinic, and you better get to work before I call off Molly and she sets Needles loose on you." She laughs sadistically as she hugs me before walking away, good job I love her, she's fucking evil.

"About fucking time." Needles growls as I rush through the door

"Sorry, overslept." I mumble as I close the door

"Fuck Ace, it's Nixs first day and you overslept!?" His voice rises and boy does he look pissed

"Jacob." Molly says from behind me, she's sat on the leather couch with her feet on a cushion on the coffee table

"Now I know you don't want to be yelling around me and our son, he's here now, take a breath." Molly smiles sweetly, saving my ass. I mouth thank you and disappear before Needles starts again.

"You look half dead." Evie smirks as she hands me a steaming mug of coffee

"Thanks and here I thought I looked sexy." I reply sarcastically, she rolls her eyes in response

"Morning... shit, you look terrible." Fe says as she steps around me to pour her own coffee

"Fuck me." I groan before taking a sip from my coffee

"Not when you look like that, at least shower first." Fe replies, making me choke on my coffee and Evie laughs.

"I love her already." Evie says as she puts her cup in the sink

"Oh Nix, all the girls are meeting at Mollys for lunch, you're welcome to join us." Evie smiles

"Yeah, I'd love to." Fe replies, Evie nods and leaves the kitchen

"It's my fault you look like that huh?" Fe asks as soon as we're alone, I shake my head, but that just rattles my brain making me groan

"I'm sorry T.. Ace, I really didn't mean to ambush you, I was just shocked. I spoke to my dad this morning and didn't breath a word, your secret is safe Ace, I promise." She pats me on the shoulder before walking behind me.

"Nix as it's your first day you pick the music." Needles call from up front

"Yay! Hope you like Napalm Death." She calls back, fuck she likes the same music as me, although with this hangover and all the shit going on in my head I'm so not in the mood. I finish my coffee and make my way to my room to set up for my first appointment.

Just kill me. I've consumed more coffee than is safe for humans, aspirin isn't touching the pain in my head. All day Fe has filled the shop with her music choice, I like them all, and her laughter. She went to lunch with the old ladies and came back even happier.

I just need to avoid her until she goes back to Vegas. There's too much history there, she reminds me of everything I want to forget.

"Well I enjoyed my first day." Fe smiles as we close up the shop

"I had fun too, it's nice to have more girls around. I'm on music tomorrow, I hope you like Lizzo." Evie replies. I hear the sound of motorcycles approaching, but instead of my brothers it's the four Vegas guys

"Hey guys!" Fe smiles as she rushes over to them, they talk and then she turns to me

"You're coming to Scars tonight right?" She asks

"Not tonight." I say shaking my head

"Oh come on." She pouts "The guys are only here a couple more days."

"Nah maybe tomorrow." I say as I pull my keys from my pocket and step towards my bike

"Hop on then babe." I look over and see Fe climbing on the back of Ryders motorcycle

"What's the plan for tonight guys?" She asks

"Get me drunk and let me fuck!" They all reply, laughing as they pull away and head towards Scars club.

I know I said I wanted some one to party with, but why did it have to be her?

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