Chapter 3 - Ace

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"Put me down, you're embarrassing me

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Put me down, you're embarrassing me." Molly slaps Needles Shoulder as he carries her into the tattoo shop

"But you're supposed to be on bed rest." Needles replies as he gently sets her down on the plush couch

"That doesn't mean I'm not allowed out of bed ever again, I'm taking it easy, but I can walk." Molly sighs frustrated

"Hey mama to be." Evie smiles as she walks up beside me "What are you doing here?"

"Nonna has another date and I refuse to be in the house after her last one." Molly shudders. Needles Grandmother Greta is the oldest woman to ever hit on me, and she's got the dirtiest mouth I've ever heard. If she was sixty years younger I'd be begging her to run away with me.

"Dare I ask what happened last time?" Becky asks as we all smirk

"I joined them for lunch and he took his viagra at the table in front of me, then no matter where I went in the house I could hear them. I'm scarred for life." Molly shakes her head

"I hope I'm half as horny when I'm ninety four." Evie giggles

"Well just make sure no one can hear you going at it." Molly huffs

"Well if it'll cheer you up I'm on music today, so you know what that means." Evie smirks as Needles and I groan

"Lizzo." Molly cheers

"Don't get my wife too excited, my boys growing in there." Needles says as he places his hand on Mollys pregnant belly protectively

"He's fine... hang on." Molly moves his hand over her belly and then smiles

"He's kicking." Needles says with a huge smile on his face.

"Aww so cute." Evie smiles, to think we used to party together every night, picking up girls and now he's married with a kid on the way. The last thing I want is the burden of a family weighing me down. Hell I doubt anyone would want me to be responsible for taking care of them after I failed my brother.

"Ace?" I look up and see Becky was talking to me

"Huh?" I must've drifted off thinking about Billy again.

"Can you fit in a piercing?" She asks motioning to the dude standing by the front desk, I hadn't even heard him come in

"Yeah sure, follow me." I say as I nod for him to follow me back.

I sigh as I set down my beer, I look around the strip club and see all the dirty old bastards, either sat alone watching Angel on the pole, or splashing out on a lap dance. I'm sitting alone too, so I'm no better. Slowly everyone I used to party with has settled down and stopped showing up. Ice is married with two kids, Socket just became a dad, Needles is about to be a dad and BFG is at home with his girl and their son. I'm not saying I want to settle down, because I don't, but I want some one to party with, to let loose and have fun with. Even Doc isn't here tonight because his girl Addy is away working, he only parties when she's by his side.

"You look happy." Daisy says sarcastically as she sets down a fresh beer

"Everyone's boring." I shrug "Even you."

"Yeah, looks like monogamy works for me." She smiles as she quickly glances to her girlfriend Angel dancing on the pole.

"There's still plenty of girls available, and I'm sure there's a long list of guys who'd party with you."

"They only want to party with me to get an in to the club, it's not the same." I sigh

"How about I send Cinnamon over for a dance, on me?" Daisy winks and I nod, I guess she can distract me for a night.

"Morning." Cordelia smiles as I walk into the kitchen, as usual I'm up before most of the club, I don't sleep well, haven't for years.

"Morning." I nod as I pour myself coffee

"Didn't sleep much?" She asks as she looks up from the stove

"You saying I don't look sexy as hell?" I smirk and she laughs.

"You know where I am if you can't sleep." She smiles. Although Cordelia isn't old enough to be my mom she's the closest thing to a mother figure I've ever had. As the presidents wife she's like a mother hen to most of the guys and I know if I came to her she'd help me any way she could and keep it to herself.

"I know it's coming up to that time of year." She says as she looks at me sympathetically, yeah, in three weeks it's my birthday, I fucking hate my birthday. Billy and I were twins, but without him to celebrate, I don't want to anymore, and I haven't since he died.

"It's just another day." I shrug, even though it's a day that reminds me I let him down, I wasn't there for my brother when I should've been. Since he died I felt a hole in me, like part of me died with him and sometimes I wish I had.

It had always been me and Billy, no matter what happened we were thick as thieves. We went through a lot of shit, but he was the smart one, had a full scholarship for college and everything, we were going to make it out of the shithole we were stuck in, but once I lost him I knew I'd never get out. So I went looking for revenge, to avenge my brother and make the mother fucker who took him from me pay. But without Billy's smarts it all went to shit and I ended up here. I made it out. I feel guilty as fuck about it, I made it out alive and my brother didn't, but I keep going for him, try my best to live for Billy, but some days it's hard.

"Well I'm sure Diesel will be happy to kick your ass at poker for the day." Cordelia smiles. Cordelia's eldest son Diesel reminds me a lot of my brother, he's smart, people say he's quiet but I see him taking everything in, just like Billy used to.

"I should get to work." I say as I stand and finish my coffee, it's too early in the morning for all this fucking thinking.

"Not without this." Cordelia smiles as she hands me a to go box with breakfast in it

"Thanks." I nod

"Anytime, I'm always here if you need me." She smiles before I turn to leave.

MC Ink (Broken Demons #11) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن