Chapter 24 - Nix

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"Please Fe, something, anything, there has to be something

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"Please Fe, something, anything, there has to be something." Tommy sighs as he paces the bedroom. It's been a week since I was beaten, I'm still at the clubhouse, still not working and I'm going crazy.

Tommy has been trying to get me to tell him what happened, I keep telling him I don't remember but he keeps pushing.

"All I remember is what happened in the club, then when we left he turned the wrong way, I can't tell you something I don't know." I shrug. Except I do know.

"How can you not remember anything? I need to find this guy, please Fe, think. Maybe he said something, or you saw something, what kind of room you were in, a sign from the car. Anything." He says as he kneels in front of me

"I'm sorry, maybe he slipped something in my drink, I remember leaving Scars and then I remember crawling to my apartment. Please, can we stop." I beg, hoping the puppy dog eyes act will work.

"Fe." He sighs as he strokes my bare thighs

"I just want this guy to pay for what he did to you, he could've killed you." They weren't trying to kill me, they need me alive for their plan to work.

"But I'm here Tommy, I'm ok, I feel better and I just want to move on." I sigh as I place my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Fe, I just love you so fucking much." She says as he cradles my face in his hands. He leans forward and our lips brush together as he moves between my thighs. I haven't told him I love him back yet, I can't bring myself to do it when there's a chance I'll have to betray him and his club.

He deepens the kiss as he lays me back on his bed, I moan softly when I taste him on my tongue. I still haven't had sex with him, but fuck he's making it tempting. I want to give in, but I also want to make him work for it after ghosting me.

I gasp as he grinds against me, I feel he's hard and I know I'm soaking, I'm as desperate for release as he is. His lips travel down my body and under my shirt making me shiver

"Tommy." I whisper, I need him to stop before my will power gives in, but I love what he's doing. When his lips follow the waistband of my panties I know I'm close to giving in, wanting to feel him on me.

My cellphone rings, stopping me from telling him to take me

"I should get that, my dads probably wondering why I haven't called in a week." He groans, but he nods as he stands. I grab my cell

"Hey dad." I smile as I answer

"No I was sick but I'm better now, I lost my voice, that's why I couldn't call." I sit up on the bed as Tommy motions to the door

"I'll give you some privacy." He whispers as he steps out of the room

"What do you want?" I say as soon as the door closes

"Ah little Phoenix, I'm glad your voice has returned." I hear Massimo Lipizi's voice through the phone. It said unknown caller, but I knew exactly who it was.

"I'm just checking in. I assumed you would need time to recover, but now you need to play your part." He says calmly

"Well maybe if you hadn't beaten me so badly I wouldn't have needed time to recover." I snap

"Well you should've agreed with me sooner, maybe you wouldn't have needed so much persuasion." He chuckles.

"Now Phoenix, down to business. I know Thomas Porter is in North Carolina, I know the Broken Demons got him there, I just need you to find him for me, and I will see to it you and your father remain unharmed." He explains, as if he were telling me how to make him coffee, not betray the people I've grown to love to protect my father.

"You bastard." I growl

"Ah Ah, now it would have raised alarm bells if I kidnapped your father, but if you don't play ball with me little Phoenix, my men can easily pay him a visit. He's got a beautiful girlfriend now too." Lipizi laughs

"I'll check in in forty eight hours, if you don't have something your fathers life is at grave risk, and remember, breathe a word to anyone, including your father, and I'll kill him." He ends the call before he hears the long list of obscenities I wish I could throw at him.

"Well hey stranger, thought you'd forgotten me." My dad says as he answers the call

"Hey pops, sorry it's been a while." I sigh

"Are you ok?" He asks

"Yeah, I was sick, croaking like a frog, so I couldn't call, but I'm getting better." I lie

"Are you sure? You need me to come out there?" He asks, I know if I said yes he'd drop everything and fly out ASAP, but I don't want Lipizi to get a hold of him, he's safer where he is

"I'm sure dad, I'll be ok. It's good to hear your voice, I miss you." I sigh, what I wouldn't give for a hug from my dad right now.

"I miss you too. You know I can always take the weekend off and come over there. It'd be nice to see where you're working and meet this Ace I've heard so much about."

"No dad, honestly, I'm a big girl I'll be ok, you have the shop and Angie, I'll be home soon enough, Needles baby is due any time now, I'll be back before you know it." I smile sadly.

"You sure you're alright? I can hear something in your voice I don't like." He asks

"I'm sure dad. Just homesick and with being sick, but I feel better now I've heard your voice." I lie

"Ok, well, call me later? Now your voice is back I want to hear it more." My dad says. We say our goodbyes and I promise to call. As soon as I find a way out of this mess and Molly has had her baby, I'm going home and I'm never leaving my dad again.

Tears track down my cheeks but I wipe them away, I refuse to give Lipizi my tears.

"What happened?" Tommy asks coming back into the room

"Nothing, I just miss my dad." I shrug, how many lies am I going to have to tell before this is over?

"Come with me, I have something to show you." He says as he takes my hand and pulls me to my feet from the bed

"Should I change first?" I ask looking down at my outfit. The same thing I've been wearing all week. Tommy's shirt and booty shorts.

"Hell no, I love seeing you in my shirt." He says as he pulls me out the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask when instead of heading for the stairs he pulls me further down the hall

"Up here." He says pointing to the roof access

"Wow." I gasp when I see the roof of the clubhouse. There are candles and fairy lights everywhere, with a blanket covered with pillows on the floor

"What's this?" I ask as he guides me to the blanket

"Well it's been a shitty couple of weeks, so I figured we could do with something different." He shrugs as he sits down and pulls me onto his lap.

"You must really want in my panties huh?" I joke

"Desperately." He sighs dramatically

"But this isn't about that. This is about me proving I'm not an asshole and that I care about you." He explains

"I'm impressed." I smile. He opens the bag beside us and pulls out Chinese food.

"Eat." He says softly as he lifts a fork of Mongolian beef to my lips

"You really do like feeding me?" I smirk

"I do." He smiles up at me. This feels so good, curled up with Tommy as he feeds me, snuggled under blankets, just the two of us.

I love Tommy, I know I do, but I just can't trust him not to hurt me again. I need to find a way to save my dad without throwing Tommy to the wolves.

MC Ink (Broken Demons #11) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя