Chapter 27 - Ace

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"Thanks for rescheduling

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"Thanks for rescheduling." I say as I finish wrapping up my latest work

"Hey it was worth the wait man, I love it already." The guy says before shaking my hand. I'm glad I'm back at work, but I wish Fe was here. I keep drifting off, finding myself thinking about her, is she resting? Is she ok? Does she need me? I keep wanting to call her and check on her, but I know she'll be pissed off if I keep bugging her, I love that she's tough, but it's a pain in the ass when I just want to take care of her.

"How's Nix doing?" Evie asks as I clean up my room

"I think she's ok." I shrug

"Still hasn't told you what happened?"

"No, it's killing me, not knowing what she went through." I sigh

"It's hard to open up. There's so many different emotions, guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear. She'll talk about it when she's ready, the important thing now is that she's safe now." Evie reassures me. I know what happened to Fe has upset Evie, bringing back memories of what she went through, but she's still been there for Fe and me, she's amazing.

"Has Circuit found the guy that...?"

"No, he's still trying." I sigh, I really need to find this guy and wipe him off the planet. I just don't understand why, he was all over her at the club, she obviously left with him to fuck him and then he drops her off at her apartment beaten to hell. What the fuck?

My cell vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see Cordelia calling

"Hey what's up?" I ask

"Get to the clubhouse now." She barks through the phone

"Shit." I say as I jump up and grab my jacket

"Is Fe ok? Did something happen?" I ask as Evie looks at me worried

"Oh she's fine, for now. Just get your ass here." She says before hanging up

"What's going on?" Evie asks

"I don't know, Cordelia just told me to get to the clubhouse." I say as I grab my keys

"Well go, I'll be fine." She says

"Thank you." I say as I run for the door. I jump on my motorcycle and push her to her limits as I race for the clubhouse. I don't know what the fuck is going on. Is Fe breaking down about what happened? Or did Cordelia miss something and she's hurt?

My bike barely rolls to a stop before I'm running for the door

"What's going on?" I say gasping for breath as I stop in front of Cordelia in the bar

"She's in Killers office." Cordelia says, she looks pissed as hell

"Is she... what the fuck is going on?" I ask confused

"I love you like family Ace, but I'm too fucking pissed to break it to you gently, so go in Killers office and find out." Cordelia yells

"It's times like this I fucking need a cigarette. Why the fuck did I quit?" Cordelia mumbles to herself as she walks away.

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