Chapter 5 - Ace

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! Sorry it's been so long since the last update

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A/N: Hello Lovelies! Sorry it's been so long since the last update. If you saw my post on my message board you'll know this pandemic is taking the majority of my time. My husband and daughter have moved out so I don't give them the virus and today is my only day off this week. My face is marked from wearing masks and goggles all day. I'm not sure when my next update will be, but I hope you enjoy this one. I hope you and your families are all safe xxx

"Ace, my office." Killer says as he passes the kitchen doorway

"Ooh some ones in trouble." Scarlett mocks as she sips her coffee, I quickly finish my breakfast and find Killer in his office

"What's up prez?" I ask as I sit in front of his desk

"I wanted to give you a heads up, some members of the Las Vegas chapter are coming in today, they're only stopping for a couple of days." Shit, why the fuck are they rolling all the way out here?

"Should I disappear for a few days?" I ask

"No, I spoke with their Prez, the guys coming won't know you, they're younger members and the only ones who helped you were the prez and the VP so it'll be fine, just keep your head down." Killer explains, I pull my cigarettes from my pocket and quickly light one, taking a long drag to try and ease the anxiety building up inside me

"Hey kid, don't worry, if we thought there would be an issue we would've handled it. They flushed the rat out years ago and you certainly don't look like the terrified seventeen year old who landed on my doorstep." He chuckles

"I know, it's just, I don't want to bring trouble to your door after all the clubs done for me." I scrub the back of my neck, I should be used to this feeling, but I still hate it

"Listen, he's still in prison getting railed by the Aryans daily, the rat got taken out and buried in the desert. The only ones who know what happened are the prez and VP in Vegas and me. It's just a couple of days and they'll be so busy getting drunk and laid they won't know what's going on." Killer assures me

"I still don't like it." I sigh as I stub out my cigarette in the ashtray on his desk

"If we act like we're hiding something they'll be looking for something, just take 'em to the strip club, cover them with booze and pussy and they'll be on the way home satisfied and hungover before you know it." If only it were that easy. Yeah I look completely different to how I looked back then, but it just takes one person to recognise me and I'm fucked, probably taking the club with me.

"Anyway, get your ass to work and tonight, we party." Killer smirks as he stands from his desk.

Maybe Killer was right, maybe I didn't have anything to worry about. The Vegas members rolled in and after a quick pit stop at the clubhouse headed straight for Scars. Scarlett has pulled out all the stops bringing in every girl she could find and making sure they wear as little as possible, if anything. I checked out the four Vegas members and I don't recognise any of them, so hopefully I'm safe. Not that they care about me, a couple of them brought girls of their own, but they ditched them as soon as they saw Angel naked on the pole.

The best thing about tonight is that the whole club is out, the old ladies have grouped together to drink and dance whilst the guys are all hanging out shooting the shit, just like old times before everyone settled down.

"Stop looking at your cell every ten seconds." Knuckles says to Needles rolling his eyes, well almost like old times.

"Sorry but I'm worried about Molly, I'm only here for one drink then I'm out." He sighs, he looks like he hasn't slept for a while, if he's this tired now he's screwed when he's got a screaming new born to deal with.

"Evie offered to help watch out for Molly." Reaper says

"Sarah said when she's not at the bakery she can keep Molly company." BFG adds

"Damn are all of you pussy whipped or what?" One of the Vegas guys, Brody, laughs

"When you have a woman as fine as these ladies who gives a fuck." Socket says pointing over to the old ladies table, it's his and Natalie's first night out since their baby was born.

"Oh fuck." Knuckles groans as he stands from his seat. I look over to the old ladies and see Scarlett arguing with one of the girls from Vegas, the other old ladies soon join in

"Why did you even bring Lexi?" Ryder groans

"She's a good fuck." Brody shrugs

"But she can't keep her damn mouth shut." Ryder shakes his head. Scarlett shoves Lexi and that has the guys scrambling from the booth after their women.

"Man this is fun." Brody laughs, wincing when Ryder elbows him in the ribs.

"Thank god Molly didn't come." Needles says shaking his head. The fight ends before it started as Knuckles carries Scarlett away and the guys calm their women.

"I see Lexi is rolling out the welcome wagon." I look up to my right and see the hottest fucking woman I've ever seen in my life. Her blonde hair falls just over her shoulders drawing my gaze straight to her full beasts and fucking incredible curves, accentuated by the ink on her arm and her leg. I finally look up at her face, full lips, blue eyes surrounded by smokey make up. If I die now bury me in her.

"By the way thanks for the help bitches." She says as she pushes Ryder over so she can sit in the booth beside him

"You're a strong independent woman, I thought you didn't need a mans help." Ryder shrugs as she rolls her eyes

"Chivalry is clearly dead." She laughs as she shakes her head

"You get settled ok?" Needles asks

"Yeah, although it was a bitch carrying all my stuff up those stairs, I can afford to skip a trip to the gym now." She smiles. Wait... is she?

"Ace this is Nix, she's taking my spot at the shop for a while and staying in the apartment above, Nix this is Ace, you'll be working alongside him and Evie." He points over to the old ladies, Evie currently kissing Reaper

"Nice to meet you, I hope we'll have fun working together." She holds out her hand to me and I take it in mine, fuck her skins soft. It's going to be hell working beside a hottie like her for a few months.

"You buying me a drink or what?" Nix asks Ryder

"What's in it for me?" He smirks

"I can make it worth your while." She winks at him, they must be together, she's taken, so I can't fuck her, she's off limits, good.

"Tell you what, you give me the cash and I'll do all the work, you should be used to that." She holds her hand out as the Vegas guys burst out laughing. He hands her some cash and she heads to the bar

"Good luck working with that one, you're going to need it." Ryder says

"You're welcome to stay with your girl in the apartment if you want." Needles says, yeah, with her boyfriend around that'll stop my eyes wandering

"Hell no, she's not my girl." Ryder laughs, fuck

"I've known Nix for years, she's more like a sister. She just got out of a bad breakup and I guess I'm scratching an itch." He shrugs. Maybe if she just got out of a relationship and she's having no strings sex with Ryder, maybe I can get this lust out my system with no fall back. Or maybe I should stop thinking with my dick, fuck me.

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