Chapter 25 - Ace

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This is perfect, well almost

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This is perfect, well almost. Having my woman curled up against me as I feed her. The only way it could be better is if I could get a taste of her sweet pussy. But that's not why I did this. Cordelia and Indigo helped me set all this up so I could prove I care about her, I love her and I want to protect her.

I know she remembers more about her attack than she's telling me. I just don't know why she won't tell me. Is she embarrassed, ashamed? Did he do some fucked up shit to her? I'll kill him. She said he could've drugged her drink, but I was watching all night, I know he didn't. Maybe he drugged her in the car, but then she would've been awake to see which direction he headed.

The whole thing frustrates the hell out of me. But pushing her to talk isn't working, so I need to find a way for her to open up to me.

"Thank you for this." She smiles as she looks down at me, I let my fingers crawl up her spine, smirking when she shivers, until my hand wraps around the back of her neck, pulling her down to me. I brush my lips against hers as I tighten my grip on her neck, not enough to hurt the barely there bruises, but enough to let her know I'm in control. I wrap my hand around the back of her thigh and move her so she's straddling me

"Tommy." She whispers against my lips as she grinds against me

"I love you Fe." I say as I rest my forehead against her

"I want you to trust me, I want you to feel safe with me and I want you to open up to me." I sigh

"You want me to tell you what happened that night." She sighs

"I want us to be able to tell each other anything, no secrets." I reply

"Ok. Then you can tell me what happened the night your brother died." She says leaning back.

Fuck. Well that plan backfired. I've never told anyone what happened to Billy, Grizz told Killer and he told Cordelia, so I've never had to say it out loud before.

"Sorry, I'm being a bitch." Fe says trying to pull away from me, but I stop her by grabbing her hips.

"No, I get it, you loved Billy too, I just, I've never told the story before." I shrug

"You don't have to, I didn't mean it, I was just deflecting." Fe says placing her warm palm against my cheek.

"No, I want to tell you, it just might take me a while to get it all out." I explain.

"When my mom died and my dad went to jail Billy and I were put in the system. No one wanted scrawny seven year old twin boys, so we ended up in a group home. It sucked, but it wasn't as bad as the drug den we were born into and at least we stayed together." I'm sure she already knows that part, so when she doesn't react I continue

"My dad served five years in jail. When he got out he said he was a born again Christian, that he was off the drugs and saw the error of his ways. So eventually he gained custody of us and we moved back home." I roll my eyes at my fathers first of many bullshit stories he told after jail.

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