Chapter 4 - Nix

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"Turn the damn lights off

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"Turn the damn lights off." I groan as my brain pulses against my skull, I hear Ryder laugh and it's like nails on a chalkboard for my ears

"Good morning." He says, I can hear the smirk in his voice. I go to throw a pillow at him, but I obviously miss as I hear something smash

"Now is that any way to treat your host." I feel him sit on the bed next to me and I gently open my eyes, the light blinding me and sending shooting pains through my head

"What even happened last night? I wasn't that drunk." I massage my temples to try and ease the pressure

"Glad I was memorable." He chuckles

"I remember the good stuff, afterwards is a little fuzzy." I shrug

"So you don't remember finishing off the tequila and throwing up all over yourself?" He smirks, asshole

"I did not." I groan when he nods before adding "sorry."

"Bad breakup, you get a free pass." He shrugs "I just cleaned you up and put you to bed."

"Thank you." I smile, he stands off the bed and slips on his leather cut, I grab my purse off the floor and search for my cell, groaning when I realise it's dead

"Will you call my dad and tell him where I am? I don't want him to worry." I ask as I lay back down

"Uh, no. I don't want Bert Osborne on my ass for fucking his daughter." Ryder replies

"Oh please, he knows we've fucked, he even knows about the belt." I chuckle

"You and your old man are weird." He laughs

"Well once I forgot about the marks on my thighs and walked out in booty shorts, so I just told him about it, we don't keep secrets." I shrug

"Ok I'll call him." He replies

"Chill out for a while, just be out by tonight, in case I bring a girl back." He smirks

"I'll move over." I shrug and he laughs. I gasp as he slaps my ass hard, the rush of pain reminding me of the fun we had last night and I give him the finger as he walks out the door laughing. I need to sleep off this hangover before I figure out what I'm doing with my life. I make myself comfortable on the pillows and fall back to sleep.

I need coffee, or tequila, or both. I groan as I dress in yesterday's clothes, I need a hot bath and some sleep, but where I'm going to get that fuck knows. I know I could stay with my dad, but I don't want to get in the way of him and Angela. Plus I only have what I'm wearing, I need to go and get my stuff, but I'm not ready to face Alexander yet.

I steal Ryders sunglasses as I walk out the door and slowly make my way downstairs, trying to avoid sudden movements that will set off the pain in my head again.

"Whoop! Walk of shame!" I groan at the cheering, hollering and the clapping as I walk into the bar, I use my middle finger to push the sunglasses up my nose

"Wearing last nights clothes you skank, hope you've got clean panties on!" Dani laughs. I look up and see Dani, Angela, my dad and a few of the club girls all sat in a row like they were waiting just for me. My dad stops his applause as he gets up and walks over to me

"All joking aside, how you feeling?" He asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"Hungover as fuck." I groan

"Aside from the hangover." He smirks

"I refuse to even think about that shit until my brain is less fuzzy." I sigh

"Well you know my door is always open." He smiles looking down at me

"Thanks but I don't want to get in the way of you and you-know-who." I say motioning to Angela with my eyes

"It's fine, you're my daughter, I'll just go to her place." He smirks

"Thanks dad, I guess I should go and get some of my stuff, can't wear this outfit much longer." I motion to the outfit that stinks of stale booze and cigarettes

"Well you're not going alone." My dad smiles as he pulls the keys to his truck from his pocket.

Luckily Alex wasn't at the house while I grabbed my things, with my Dads help I had it all packed up in no time, the funniest part of it all was that I didn't even feel like I was going to miss the place, all I could think of was that at least my commute will be shorter.

"I'm sorry about this, I'll start looking for a place tomorrow." I say as I look around my dads apartment at the boxes and bags piled everywhere

"You know I don't care, stay as long as you want, it'll be like old time's." He smiles as he sets down the take out and six pack. We sit on the floor with the tv on as we dig in to the food, just like old times.

"I missed this you know, you and me hanging out." My dad smiles

"Me too. I didn't realised how much I changed until last night, it just suddenly hit me." I sigh

"We do stupid shit when we're in love." He shrugs

"I don't even know who I am anymore." I look down at the floor, trying to hold back those damn tears again when my dad pulls me into a hug

"You, my little Phoenix, can be whoever the fuck you want to be." He declares.

"Thanks dad, I'd be lost without you." I smile looking up at him. We fall into silence as we eat and I work up the courage to speak, ah screw it, he's my dad, he's awesome

"So I had a thought today, while we were packing up my stuff." My dad nods as he chews his mouth full of beef, thank god I'm eating meat again

"I changed so much about myself and I feel like I need to take a step back and figure out who I am again."

"If you want time off from the shop we can make it work." He smiles

"Is that temporary job still available?" I ask then chew on my lip waiting for his reaction.

"Ah man, wasn't expecting that one." He runs his hand over his neatly trimmed beard, mostly gray now, but still hints of black in there

"I just think a change of scene would be good for me, and it's only for a few months, so I'd be home before you knew it." I bargain with him like I did so many times as a teenager begging to go to parties.

"The dad in me says no, no fucking way will my only daughter be that far away from me where I can't take care of you." I try to argue but he holds his hand up to stop me

"But. You've only ever worked in my shop, so it would be a good experience for you and I get the finding yourself shit, I'd have to check it out first, get some more info on who's around, but I'm not saying no."

"Thanks daddy." I smile as I wrap my arms around him

"Anything to make my girl happy, you know I'll miss you like crazy right?"

"I'll miss you too, but this will be good for me, the only time I've ever been out of Vegas was when I did one semester of college and we both know how that turned out." I was so homesick I cried every day and I didn't enjoy my classes at all so I dropped out and came home. My dad won't admit it, but he was glad I came home, it's always been just me and him.

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