Chapter 14 - Nix

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Hope you're all safe and well

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Hope you're all safe and well. I'm back at work now after my little Covid break. Hope you enjoy xxx

It's been three days. Ace has been missing for three days. I asked Evie if she knew where he was but she just shrugged and said he's 'on vacation'. Which would be fine if I didn't know what the date was tomorrow. Tomorrow is his birthday, the birthday he shared with his twin brother. I remember celebrating their sixteenth and seventeenth birthdays with them, we had no idea only one of them would be alive at eighteen. Although at the time I thought both of them were dead. I cried all day and my dad bought cupcakes and lit candles, I blew them out for the friends I thought were dead.

If it hurt me that much it must kill Ace every year. So maybe I was pissed at him, but I need to find him and know he's ok.

"Nix, what are you doing here?" Cordelia smiles as I step into the clubhouse

"I'm looking for Ace, is he in his room?" I ask and I notice that look in her eye, it's sympathy. Does she know what tomorrow is?

"No he's on vacation." She smiles

"Where did he go?" I ask

"Why?" She asks raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms over her chest

"I just wanted to know where he suddenly disappeared to." I shrug casually, I can't let her know I know, I promised to keep his secret and I will stick to that.

"There's something going on with the two of you isn't there?" She smiles a shit eating grin, she's perfect for the prez's old lady, that's for sure

"No, I mean, there was something, but... I care about him okay?" I huff

"I knew it." She smiles cheerfully

"I saw it at the barbecue last week, I've wanted Ace to find someone for so long. I care about that man so don't you hurt him." She says sternly like only a mother of four could.

"So you know where he is?" I try again

"I'll give you the address, but I'll deny it if he asks me who you got it from." She says as she pulls a pen from her pocket and grabs a napkin off the bar.

"Thank you." I smile as I go to take the napkin but she doesn't release it

"Ace is a good guy, just has some baggage." She smiles

"I know." I nod as she releases the napkin and I walk away.

After an hour of rescheduling my appointments and some shameless begging to Evie and Dani I manage to get some time away from the shop. I know it's bad that I've only been there a few weeks and I've taken time off at short notice, but I want to find Tommy. Not Ace, the stupid sexy man that drives me crazy in good and bad ways. But Tommy, the lost boy I was so close to once, who went through so much in his childhood it's amazing he's still standing.

I pull into a long gravel driveway and after a minute I finally see the cabin.

"Woah." I gasp as I stand from my car and slip off my sunglasses. I knew it was high up but the view of the ocean is incredible. I walk up to the side of the cabin to see the view better through the trees

"I knew it would be you." I jump when I hear Ace beside me, I turn and see him sat on the edge of the wrap around porch, empty beer bottles beside him and I bottle of whiskey in his hand.

"You scared me." I chuckle as I clear the bottles and sit beside him

"What do you want Fe?" He asks, he doesn't sound drunk, just sad, the sadness in his voice kills me

"I wanted to make sure you're alright, I know what tomorrow is." I explain as I take the whiskey from him, I take a sip and then hand it back, shuddering as it travels down my throat.

"I just want to be alone, go home Fe." He grunts

"Remember when you and Billy turned sixteen? My dad threw a huge party, it was the first time I tasted tequila, because you gave it to me." I smile, tequila has been my drink of choice ever since.

"Leave me alone Fe." He whispers, his eyes are bloodshot and I know he's been crying. Ace appears to be such a strong man, but I know Tommy is still under there, the scared boy who lost everyone he loved.

"Then when you turned seventeen we had that barbecue at the club house, everyone celebrating with us, I caught Billy getting a blow job from one of the club girls." I laugh, it devastated me at the time, because I had a crush on him, but it's funny now.

"Fe stop!" He snaps

"No Tommy, I won't stop. Billy wouldn't want you to be like this on your birthday. Billy would want you to live, to celebrate his memory and the good times you had with him. Billy didn't deserve to die and as devastating as it is, he wouldn't want you to carry this pain." I explain

"Just stay the hell out of it Fe!" He yells as he grabs my arm and pulls me to look at him. All the pain and sadness in his eyes, I wish I could take it away for him, he doesn't deserve to feel this way on his birthday

"Tommy, I loved Billy and I hate that he isn't here for you, but I am, I'm here Tommy." I say as I look into his eyes.

I almost fall when his lips crash against mine, but with one hand on the back of my head and the other on my lower back he lowers me down onto the deck, covering my body with his.

He dominates my lips as his hands roam my body, it's brutal, it's forceful, it's, it's perfect. Our tongues taste and tease as his hand finds my breast, my nipples tight with need, making me moan against his lips. He grinds his hard length against my core and I moan again, it's all overwhelming, the feelings he's igniting in my body and he hasn't even touched my skin yet.

"Wait." I say breaking the kiss and pushing him up slightly

"Tommy, you've been drinking and your head is all over the place, I don't want to take advantage and have you regret it in the morning." I explain

"Take advantage of me? I'm taking advantage of you. I want to use your body to drown out everything I'm feeling. I want to take you over, and over again until the only thing you know is my name because you've been screaming it until your voice is hoarse." He says, his hand still on my breast, teasing my nipple over my shirt, I bite my lip to stifle another moan as a shock of electricity bolts straight to my already damp panties.

"Tommy, take me." It only comes out as a whisper but he hears me, for a second I think he's changed his mind but then once he's standing he lifts me up and carries me inside the cabin.

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