Study Date || Kenma Kozume ☁️💫🌌

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A/n: college au!

"Ahh! Finals are coming and I'm not ready!" Y/n complains as she stuffs her face under a pillow. She groans in agony and she cries internally. Finals are coming and she isn't prepared oh gosh.

Kenma sat next to her on the bed and placed his hand on the pillow, suffocating the poor girl. "It's going to be fine Y/n, you've been doing well for the past year." After that sentence he helps to pull away the pillow from the girl's tight grasp.

Y/n pouted, "you almost killed me Kenma." Kenma shrugged, "at least you aren't dead."

Y/n chuckled at his remark and hugged him from behind. "So what am I gunna do Kenma? Do I snuggle you to death or do I try and study for Finals?"

Kenma pinned her down on the bed and fell ontop of her. "Cuddles sound nice but we should study first before we do that."

"What about we hug for a few minutes! Pretty please!" Y/n begged as she battes her lashes and pulled out her slick pout. Kenma was quick to see the attack coming and he used "evade!"

Just kidding, he placed his hand onto her face and pushed her away. "No Y/n, your Finals are coming. But if it makes you better then I'll study with you."

Y/n's eyes glittered, "you will?!? Oh my gosh this is unheard of!" Kenma sweatdropped as he stared at the girl, "jeez, calm down Y/n."

"Okay okay, how about we meet at the local cafe in half an hour okay? My table here isn't big enough for the two of us." Y/n states as she starts to stand up. "Okay, see you then." Kenma says as he walks out of the room.

"Wait! No hugs or kissses?"

"We are literally seeing wach other in half an hour, you can wait."

( the soft boy still came back to place a kiss on your forehead and a big ol' hug )

~ timeskip to when they meet up brought to you by the one and only, Miya Osamu! ~

Studying outside is not Kenma's favourite thing to do. I mean why do it when you can study in the comfort of your own home? He could get his food to go and eat in his room just fine but it was for Y/n so... he doesn't mind.

He looked around to look for the girl and he spotted the her sitting next to the window, typing away on her keyboard. "She looks cute when she's serious," he thinks to himself as he makes his way over to the table.

But before he does so, he buys a drink because it'd be weird if he didn't.

Y/n crouched over the table as she internally screamed. It's not that she's stupid or anything it's just so... stressful. She sighs as she takes a sip of her drink, back to death!

Kenma reached over and pat her head, "hey if you don't get it you could ask me... don't stress okay?"

Kenma's words were effective! Y/n's heart is melting! What should she do?

> freak out
> thank him
> ignore

Y/n chooses >thank him!

"Thanks Kenma," she smiles as she leans into his touch.

Her move was effective! What will Kenma do?

> encourage her
> die inside
> ignore

Kenma chooses >encourage her!

"Yeah, you'll do fine Y/n. I believe in you."

Ah! Y/n's heart was filled with joy and fluff! More motivation for her to study then! She gets back to work with one hand on the laptop and the other in another's hand.

Y/n furrows her eyebrows, the words on her screen became a blur but she tried her best to concentrate. Kenma gently played with her fingers to distract her from the "pain".

"Do you not get anything?" He asks as he comes to her side of the table. "Yeah, what does this mean?" Y/n says as she points under a portion of the power point slides she was given.

He tried his best to explain it to Y/n and it was great! She fully understood it and everything was smooth again.

A few hours passed by and they were getting ready to leave.

"Thanks for sticking with me Kenma," Y/n says as she interwinds her fingers with him.

"Anything for you."

And with that, the two left hand in hand as they rushed to get back home for their cuddle session.

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A/n: Hahaha! This is my first time writing Kenma so I hope I did okay!

Anyways, thank you to wongtonss for this request! I hope you enjoyed it and I'm so sorry if it was bad!

I'm so grateful to have your constant support and thanks for always voting and commenting! It makes my day HAHA

And same to the rest of you! Thank you guys for always commenting and voting! It's so fun to see new or old readers coming out on my notifs and i love to reply to your guys' comments

Requests are open so if you have any requests, request away! ( wow that was a mouthful HAHA )

Stay safe guys! I love all of you and don't forget to wash your hands and social distance!

I love you!

Edit: I just realised that this is my 50th chapter! Thank yoh for all your support and thank you for liking my fanfics although they are bad! HAHAHAH

Again, I cant stress enough on how much I love all of you


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