Enchanted || Terushima Yuuji ☁️💫

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~ the night before ~

As Terushima was walking his dear girlfriend home, he asked "Wanna hang out after school tomorrow?"

"Sure! Meet you at the bench after class?" Y/n chuckled.

"You know it babe," Terushima kissed her forehead as Y/n giggled.

"Goodnight cutie. Sleep tight alright?" Terushima said. Y/n smiled "Text me when you get back home babe. Be careful okay?"

"Heh... I don't need to be careful. I'd beat anyone up in an instant."

"Yes baby we know. Now get home! It's getting late!"

"Mm I'm going off now. Love you." Terushima smirked

Y/n chuckled once more, "Night and love you my baddie."

~ fast forward to the next day! ~

Finally! School is over an Y/n could go out and spend the day with her boyfriend. She waited at their go-to spot, the third bench to the right, outside of their school.

Y/n smiled as memories replayed of the two meeting up here. The first time they got together was at this very spot!

She sat down on the bench, remembering Yuuji flirting with her and asking her out for the first time. Y/n chuckled. How did she get so lucky?

"What is a pretty girl like you doing here?" A voice said behind Y/n. She turned around in shock as she stuttered out "I-I'm waiting for someone."

"Woah sweetie calm down. I won't bite. Not yet at least." The boy smirked.

Y/n getting slightly annoyed, sternly said "Hey, don't mess with me. My man will mess you up hard."

"He can't be that sca-" "Get away from my girl buddy." Terushima gripped the boy's shoulder firmly. "Messing with my girl? You must have some balls eh? Don't touch my girl or I will beat the living shit outta you. Got it?" A scary aura surrounding Terushima made the boy scared.

Intimidated by Terushima, the boy ran off. "You could've called me earlier you know babe?" Yuuji stated.

"Sorry Yuuji-kun, didn't wanna bother you," Y/n apologised. Terushima wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. "You are never a bother babe," He replied. Y/n leaned her head against his shoulder and smiled.

Suddenly, Terushima slid his arm away and opened his bag. He pulled out a beautiful bouquet with a purple rose in the centre and baby's-breaths surrounding it.

Terushima passed her the bouquet. "Babe got this rose because it was different from the others. It stood out. Kinda like how you stood out from the rest."

Y/n smiled, "Yuuji, you know what purple roses represent?"

Confused, Terushima looked at her with a blank look and asked "Flowers have meanings?"

Y/n giggled and said, "Yeah! Purple flowers represent getting enchanted by someone or love at first sight."

Terushima smirked, "Well I guess it was meant to be then. I couldn't help but to fall for your adorable face the first time I laid my eyes on you."

Y/n blushed slightly, jokingly slapping his shoulder. "Shut up idiot. I'm not that pretty"

"Oh but you are darling."

"Yuuji you are blind."

"Blinded by your beauty."

Y/n sighed and sarcastically rolled her eyes. "I ain't gunna win this argument but either way, thanks for the bouquet. It was really sweet of you."

Y/n brought up the bunch of flowers to her face and took in a wiff. The flowers smelt wonderful and they looked amazing.

Terushima looked at her, filled with love. He looked at his wonderful girlfriend, the sight of her made his knees weak.

He gently pushed her arm away and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I guess the flower was right."

"What do you mean?"

Terushima continued, "I was enchanted by your beauty at first. But you were more than that. I was enchanted by all of you."

Y/n blushed harder. Yuuji leaned in and whispered, "I couldn't take my eyes off of you ever since that day." He closed the gap between the two and kissed her ever so gently.

The two slowly pulled away as Terushima pulled her into a tight hug.

"You're just too good to be true Yuuji."

"I never wanna let you go of you baby girl. You make me so weak ya' know?"

The two pulled away slowly as Y/n stared at the flower. Reminiscing the first time she met her lover. How lucky was she, to meet an amazing man like Yuuji. She didn't deserve him at all.

He makes her heart weak. And everyday, she learns something new about him. This made her learn to love him more and more, she couldn't help but to fall for him more and more each day.

What he saw as imperfections in himself, Y/n helped him see what she saw. Perfection. He dearly loved the girl and would destroy anyone who harmed his girl.

He was so enchanted by her. It was as if he was under some sort of spell. At first, he didn't know what made her so special. But she made him feel so special and so happy. He felt so loved by her.

"Y/n I love you so much."

"I love you too ya' dork."

"Quit it n/n. Don't ruin the moment."

Y/n stuck out her tongue and said "make me."

Terushima laughed at her and y/n melted at the sight. What a cutie he is.

The two of them, looking like love-struck puppies, are now hand in hand, walking around aimlessly. They didn't know where they were heading off to but they didn't care. As long as they were together, that was all that mattered.

"Hey Y/n."

"What is it?"

"It was enchanting to meet you."

"Babe isn't that some Taylor Swift song?"

"Damn it Y/n stop ruining the moment"

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ I was enchanted ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

.・゜-: ✧ :- to meet you -: ✧ :-゜・.

Omg lol im feeling super cheesey idk why. But hope you enjoyed this! Im sorry if it was bad!

I just wanted an excuse to shove purple roses because I am a suckee for purple flowers HAHA

Im sorry dont @ me

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