Civil War pt. 2

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The team followed Steve's command and stayed behind while he went ahead. Maddie tried to calm her nerves. She's never went up against other superhero's while still having her memories.

Maddie's gasped once she saw the familiar suit of Peter. If this thing wasn't bad already, she's going against her best friend, the guy she liked. She stayed with Bucky and Sam. Steve didn't want her directly in the fight.

**I decided to switch it up and start going from someone's POV. It's easier to write that way**

Maddie's POV

I didn't focus much on the others fighting. My main focus is Peter who spotted me right away. I lunged forward and hit him in the stomach. I don't want to fight him but if it means not getting taken away, I will.

"We don't have to do this." He groaned. My senses shifted and suddenly Peter wasn't important anymore. It's like my soldier mode is taking over.

"There's no other choice." I replied and used my metal arm to hit him in the face. He went flying back, I feel terrible but my main focus is finding the jet. I can't be taken away.

I sprinted as fast as I can to the hanger holding the jet. I was so close but something pulled me back. I can hear the all too familiar machine.

"Let me go, Stark." I demanded, trying to break free of his grip but he's not budging.

"You're coming with me. It's for your own good." He started to fly off and I screamed, loud. My father, thankfully, heard and threw his shield my way. It hit Tony in the face and be dropped me and we were high up. I cried for help as I fell to the pavement below.

I closed my eyes but I never hit the ground. I opened them once more and found that Wanda caught me. I thanked her as she lowered me to the ground with her magic. Just in time for Natasha to come running right at me. I decided I had enough of this and made the first move before she could even get to me. I swung my leg around and swept her off her feet. She fell to the ground as I started running away.

"The jet's in hanger five, Maddie. We'll meet you there." I heard Sam's voice say. I changed my direction for the jet. I sprinted as fast I could for the jet while trying to stay out of everyone's way.

I was close and the sound of my dads running behind me filled my ears. One of the buildings started to collapse but I slipped under just before it was able to crush me. Papa started checking me over to make sure I didn't get hurt. I groaned and pushed him away, I'm perfectly fine.

We were about to enter the jet when Natasha and King T'challa stopped us.

Papa looked between me and Nat and I could already see what he's thinking. "No, you're not leaving me behind. I want to loose you again." My voice cracked terribly.

He engulfed me in a hug and soon dad joined us. "It's for the best." They both said.

He Papa nodded towards Nat and she pulled me aside. I watched as both my dads entered the jet without me.

3rd Person's POV

The sound of screaming filled the silent void. Bucky and Steve were forced to fight the cries of their daughter as they boarded the jet.

Maddie tried to break away from Natasha but she could do it. Her emotions clouded her strength.

As the jet flew off, Maddie broke down to the ground in sobs. She got left...again.

- - -

The team regrouped and did a head count of everyone they had. Rhodey was on his way to the hospital as they speak.

Transport trucks arrived arrived and threw the convicts into trucks. Natasha was able to convince them to leave Maddie behind, even though Tony wasn't happy about it.

When Peter regained his senses he slowly approached Maddie. They haven't had a proper conversation since the date Maddie ran out of.

"Hey Mads." He almost squeaked. Maddie didn't let him say anything more as she threw herself into his arms. "This is nice." Peter whispered, hugging her back.

- - -

Back at the compound, Maddie didn't leave her room. It's almost been 24 hours and she hasn't heard anything from either of her dads.

Peter tried to lift her spirits, Natasha tried to get her out of the room, and Tony just bombarded her with questions. None of which she answered.

When she was sure everyone left, Maddie crept up to the roof. She often spent all of her time up their, it calmed her down immensely.

She silently observed the night sky until the sound of footsteps came up behind her.

As if they were reliving the past over again, Peter sat beside the girl and gently intwined his fingers with Maddie's.

"Remember the day we met?" Maddie suddenly said, breaking the comfortable silence. Peter nodded and Maddie giggled. "I hated you at first."

Peter chuckled quietly, "I thought you were one of the prettiest girls I've ever met."

Maddie started blushing but it soon turned into a frown. "Remember what I said to you the first time we were up here together?" Peter shook his head, that night felt like forever ago. "I said, no matter what let's stick together. As the youngest members of the team, we need to lookout for each other." Her voice cracked again at the memory.

Peter let go of her hand and put and arm around her shoulders, bringing the girl in closer. "And we have and always will."

Maddie couldn't take it anymore. She broke away from Peter's hold and stood up. The boy was confused but stood up with her.

She ran a hand through her hair due to stress and then stared deep into Peter's eyes. "You can't love me anymore Peter." She Bluntly states. "We can't be together, it's better for everyone. It'll hurt you less when I leave."

Peter couldn't believe this was coming out of her mouth. "What are you talking about? I'll always love, where are you even going?"

Tears started falling down Maddie's cheeks. "It's best you don't know, maybe we'll seen each other in the future but for now, it's time to say goodbye."

She stood on her toes and placed a simple kiss to Peter's cheeks. "I love you." She said through the tears before walking away.

Leaving Peter behind.

Im like crazy sorry for not updating this in like forever. School has gotten crazy and so has life. Not to mention the shit ton of writers block.

I've already got the next chapter almost finished and then I'll update it.

I've also been seeing how many reads and all y'all who've added it to your reading lists. THATS CRAZY! I never excepted this book to blow up. It's one of the first once I've done and I didn't expect it to got this far.


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