The Winter Soldier

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*70 years ago*

Bucky woke up to find himself strapped to a table. He didn't know what was going on. A man looked over him. Bucky had never seen this man in his life. Something was off. Bucky lifted up his right arm. It was entirely metal. He was scared and confused. The last thing he could remember was falling, God knows how far down, as his lover Steve was disappearing from his sight. He scanned the room in the corner he saw someone he despised.

"Glad to see you awake soldier." The man said in a thick Swedish accent.

Over time Bucky was trained and beaten until he became the perfect soldier. Everyday he'd try not to forget his family. Steve and his daughter. Everyday Zola would ask who Steve and Maddie were. Bucky would fight to remember. Until he didn't remember anything at all.


Steve was in a car with Sam, Nat, and Jasper Sitwell. When suddenly someone jumped on the roof of the car. Sam shook the man off the roof of the car and he flew forward landing on the road his metal hand scraping the pavement. They soon realized this was the winter soldier. The winter soldier jumped back onto the car throwing Sitwell out of the car into traffic going the other direction causing him to get hit by a truck. Meanwhile the winter soldier ripped the steering wheel out the car. Sam yelled as he tried to get control of the car. Suddenly Steve had an idea he grabbed Nat and Sam of them as the slid on the car door on the road after busting out of the car.

All hell broke loose.

There was shooting everywhere. Steve then found himself fighting the soldier. He attacked Steve with a knife but Steve flipped him over causing the mask to come off. Steve stood up straight. The winter soldier leaned on the road panting. He then stood up as he turned around.

"Bucky?" Steve asked in disbelief.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" The winter soldier asked before throwing a bomb and running off.

Steve couldn't move. He was then lowered to the ground by Rumlow and the strike team. They forced Steve and the others into a van.
He was in the back of the transport van. Nat was bleeding out from being shot. Then one of the guards knocked out the other guard.

"That thing was squeezing by brain." The guard said as she took the helmet off the reveal Agent Hill under the mask.

She broke the four of them out of the van. They went to a secret hideout to reveal Nick Fury. He was alive. He was shot by the winter soldier in Steve and Maddie's apartment. He couldn't forget that night. Him and Maddie were coming home late. There neighbor Sharon Carter said the radio was on.

Natasha had been trying to get Steve to go out with Sharon thinking a woman would certainly cheer Steve up. She didn't know that Steve prefer guys and that he was never gonna love anyone else other than Bucky.

They didn't know that Steve and Bucky had a past until that day on the bridge. Steve just said they had been friends since childhood but didn't tell them they were more than friends.

When Sharon told them the radio was on he suggested that Maddie should help Sharon with the laundry. She obliged and followed her. Steve went though the window and found Fury in the apartment. He had been in a serious wreck. Fury shared information with Steve and then he was shot by the winter soldier.

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