A Proposal

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It had been 6 months since they're family got together again. Maddie and her dad, Steve, were sitting at the table filling out Maddie's
school application.

"Okay, full name." Maddie said while twirling the pen in her hand. "Maddison Rae-" she stopped writing and Steve knew why. "What should I put as my last name?"

"I'm not sure. Why don't you wait though." Steve said with a small smile. Maddie was a little confused.

"This has to be in by the end of the week Dad." Maddie said still confused. "I can't wai..."

Suddenly Steve pulled a small black box out of his pocket.

"Is that?" Maddie asked with a little excitement.

"Yes it is." He responded opening the box.

It help a simple silver ring. It had a heart engraved on the inside with Steve and Bucky's names. Steve had been waiting for days to show Maddie but Bucky was always around. Now he was at the store and Steve found the perfect moment to show her. Maddie was super excited.

"This is amazing Dad!" Maddie yelled running over to give her father a hug.

"Your going to have to keep this a secret until tonight." He said.

"Your doing it tonight!?" Maddie yelled again. By this point she was jumping around the kitchen but she suddenly stopped "Are you going to take his last name or yours?"

"Whatever he wants to do." Steve answered getting up from the table.

An hour later Bucky finally got home. Steve and Maddie helped bring in the groceries. Maddie didn't know how she was going to keep this a secret. Steve needed her help to set it all up. He was going to propose at the park. There was a white gazebo that he was going to decorate with lights. Maddie was going to stay home with Bucky until Steve texted her telling her to bring him to the park and Maddie would lead Bucky right to the gazebo where Steve would propose.

Maddie was sitting on the couch with Bucky when she got a text from Steve. It was time. It took a while but Maddie finally got her dad out of the apartment. They walked to the park. Bucky gasped at the sight in front of him. Steve was dressed nice standing in the gazebo, it was decorated with lights. He slowly walked forward. Maddie was crying happy tears. She was recording with her phone so she could show the other avengers.

"Steve?" Bucky asked once he was finally standing in front of Steve.

Steve kneeled down on one knee. At this point Maddie had so many tears she could barely see.

"James Buchanan Barnes, I have loved you since we first met and over the 70 plus years I have been alive I haven't stopped loving you. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes Steve I'll marry you!" Bucky responded.

Steve was so happy. He slipped the ring on Bucky's finger and got up. Bucky pulled Steve in and kissed him. At this point Maddie stopped recording because the other avengers wouldn't want to see them kissing each other. Maddie had tears streaming down her eyes still. She was so happy! Bucky broke the kiss and looked over at Maddie. He motioned for her to come over. She ran over to her dads and they grouped her into the hug. They were all crying happy tears.

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