A New World

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Steve woke up in a hospital room. A 1940s style room. A lady walked into the room in an attempt to calm Steve down since he just woke up. He quickly realized this was a setup due to the game on the radio. He bust through the fake walls and ran out to the busy street. This certainly wasn't Brooklyn. Someone ran after him. He had a patch on his eye.

"Where am I?" Steve asked panting.

"You've been asleep for 70 years cap" the man said.

Steve couldn't breathe.

After a moment he followed the man who he learned was named Fury back to the building he escaped from.  He learned he was frozen for 70 years. He didn't like hearing this news. He was all alone and he could bare thinking of Maddie who had grown up without either of her fathers. It hurt him a lot.

A week had gone by now. Steve was sitting in the lobby of S.H.E.I.L.D. He over heard two agents talking.

"I'm surprised the girl survived" one man said

"Me too. She didn't have the serum so it's a miracle that she did." The other man said.

Steve walked up to them.

"Who are you talking about?" Steve asked.

"The girl who was also frozen in the ice with you. She was found holding your hand." The man said confused.

Fury was in his office when the doors slammed opened.

"So when were you going to tell me about her?!" Steve demanded yelling at Fury.

Fury new the secret was blown. "We were going to tell you when she woke up." He said standing up.

"You don't think I have the right to know if my own daughter is alive!?" Steve yelled again

Fury was a man of much knowledge but even he was taken back when he heard this.

Since when did Captain America have a daughter? He thought to himself.

"We didn't know she was your daughter" Fury said walking to the doors.

"I want to see her now!" Steve demanded.

"Well lucky for you she woke up 30 minutes ago and I'm betting she's going to need her father." He said leading Steve out.

Fury directed him to the room Maddie was in.

Steve practically busted down the door.

"Maddie?!" Steve said running over to her and grabbing her in a huge hug.

"Dad!" She said not letting go. "I thought you were gone?" She said crying. "Why won't anybody tell me what's going on? Where am I?"

Maddie asked so many questions at once. He didn't know how to explain that she was frozen for 70 years but for now he just hugged her until she calmed down.

A week later Maddie and Steve were walking through the streets of Washington D.C. They had already found a place to live in the area. They were at the museum in honor of Steve. Steve was wearing jeans, a grey shirt, a camo green jacket, and a blue baseball cap with sunglasses. Maddie was wearing jeans, a white shirt, a grey sweatshirt and a baseball cap with sunglasses. The disguise wasn't as necessary for her as her dad but they took it as an extra pro caution. Her father had joined the Avengers and they didn't even know Maddie existed. Steve wanted to keep it that way for now. Maddie wasn't all that thrilled that she had to be kept a secret again but at least this time her and her father could roam the streets and go places without people asking questions. Fury helped Steve set it up so the avengers would never know about Maddie. They were happy to be together again but there was one thing missing. Maddie looked up at an exhibit. Steve looked over at his daughter. He could feel how sad she was. He moved closer to her and put his arm around her. She was fairly short compared to her father. She was only 5'0 while he was  6'2

"I know, I miss him too" Steve said quietly.

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