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Maddie stopped in her tracks and looked up at the man who said that name.

"Who's Maddie?" She asked quietly.

"That's you dear." The other man said.

They both looked shocked to see her and Maddie didn't know why.

"Steve, Bucky? Have you found the girl yet?" Stark said over the comm set.

"Yes and you'll never guess who it is." Steve replied.

Maddie was freaking out. They were looking for her and she did not want to be taken away again. She pulled a knife out of her belt and lunged towards Bucky. He didn't want to hurt her so he didn't do anything but before Maddie could stab Bucky, she fell to the ground. A loud gunshot was heard. Bucky frantically looked up to see Natasha holding a gun.

"What the hell?!" Bucky yelled kneeling down next to Maddie.

"Don't worry Rogers. As much as it pained me I only shot her in the shoulder." Natasha responded to Bucky.

She kneeled next to Maddie and took a cloth out of her pocket and wrapped it around Maddie's shoulder to stop the bleeding. Maddie was unconscious now so Steve picked her up and carried her back to the quin jet.

Back at the compound Steve laid Maddie on a bed in the medical bay. Tony got right to work and started looking her over before she woke up as well as addressing the gun shot in her shoulder and her broken ankle.

After watching for a minute Bucky walked out into the hallway. Steve followed shortly after.

"What's wrong Buck?" Steve said approaching his husband.

"That's not my little girl in there." Bucky said turning around to face Steve.

"I know Bucky. She's not even a little girl anymore." Steve went to hug Bucky but he pushed away.

"HYRDAS going to pay for this! They took her away from us. She missed most of her school years, she was torn away from her family, and not to mention she'd been tortured for 6 years! I know what HYRDA does to people it doesn't matter how old they are." Bucky said angrily.

"I know, I know. We will find them but right now we need to be here for her." Steve said in a comforting voice.

Bucky calmed down a little and the two of them walked back into the room just in time for Maddie to wake up. Maddie bolted up and started freaking out.

"Where am I? Oh please don't tell me HYRDAS got me again. I can't go back! They'll just torture me!" She yelled trying to get away.

Bucky and Steve hurt hearing these words coming from her. Steve couldn't imagine what she had gone through but Bucky knew exactly what she was saying.

"Calm down Maddie." Steve said walking over to her.

"Who's Maddie?!" She said freaking out more.

Bucky motioned for Steve to step back as he made his way to Maddie's side.

"Listen HYRDA is not going to hurt you anymore. I know exactly what you've been through but you don't need to worry because you're home now." Bucky said softly.

Maddie relaxed a little but then looked over at Bucky's metal arm.

"I know you." She said softly. "You're the winter soldier, the one who got away. They kept telling me about you."

"That's right but you don't need to worry I'm not going to hurt you." He replied "we need to get your memories back."

"My memories?" Maddie questioned.

"Yes, unless you know who we are and remember your past life." Steve answered sitting next to Bucky.

"I-I don't remember. I'm sorry." Maddie replied on the verge of tears.

"It's okay babygirl. We will get them back." Bucky said before standing up.

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