Loss of an Old Friend

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Some time passed and Peter had asked Maddie on a date. She gladly accepted and Peter took her to a nice restaurant across town. The two of them were laughing and having a good time built Maddie got a call from Steve. Peter watched as her face dropped during the call. She slowly put the phone down as a few tears slipped down her cheek.

"I-I need to go." Maddie stuttered before rushing out of the restaurant.

Peter watched as she ran off wondering if he should go after her. Maddie ran as fast as she could all the ways back to the compound. She ditched her heals at the restaurant and ran barefoot in her dress 15 miles back to the compound. It was no problem her because of the serum and the HYRDA training.

She burst through the main doors and found her dads standing in the lobby waiting for her.

"Is she really gone?" Maddie asked bursting into tears.

Steve nodded as he pulled Maddie in for a hug. He looked like he has been crying himself. Bucky joined his husband and daughter in the hug. They embraced each other's touch as they all mourned the loss of their oldest friend.

Maddie had been avoiding Peter after she ran out on their date. She was busy straightening out her black knee length dress before she heard a knock at the door. Assuming it was one of her dads she opened the door but instead it was Peter.

"P-Peter?" Maddie stuttered upon seeing him.

"Hey Maddie." Peter responded rubbing the back of his neck.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a hurry.

"I came to see if you are okay."

"I'm fine." Maddie quickly responded, picking her black heals of her floor and walking out of the room with Peter close behind.

"You ran out on our date crying and ran 15 miles barefoot back home. I haven't seen you for days either. I don't think you are fine." Peter said insisting on getting an answer out of her.

"I said I'm fine!" Maddie yelled before running off still holding the black heals.

Peter just stood there in disbelief. He decided to leave her alone and give it time. Meanwhile Maddie descended down the stairs and found her parents in the lobby wearing black suits that looked the same.

"Ready?" Steve asked, sounding unsure about being ready himself.

Maddie sadly nodded and followed them out the door to the car. Maddie climbed into the backseat. Bucky got into the drivers seat and Steve sat in the passenger seat. It was a quiet ride to the airport. Steve took ahold of Bucky's right hand and watched out the front window as Bucky continued driving to the airport. When they got there Tony had already gotten a private jet arranged to take the three to London. Maddie took a seat on the plane and stared pif the window while waiting for the plane to take off.

After the long trip from New York to London, Maddie hesitated about getting off the plane. She wasn't ready to say goodbye.

They drove to a church that was somewhere in London. Steve parted ways with Maddie and Bucky. The two of them went to take a seat in the front row.

"Welcome to the funeral of Margret "Peggy" Carter." A man, standing at the front, said.

Maddie felt a few tears forming as her dad put his arm around her Someone started playing the piano and the doors opened. In came Steve and a few other men carrying Peggy's casket. Maddie noticed that her dad had been crying but he must have stopped when it was time to carry the casket in.

30 minutes had passed and it was time for some hand selected people to give speeches. Steve went first.

"Peggy has always been one of my closet friends. She was one of the few people I could share everything with besides my husband." Steve said gesturing to Bucky in the front row. "She was the only one then who knew about us. She was a huge supporter of us and always got along so well with my daughter, Maddie." Steve gestured to Maddie this time. "No one could ever replace Peggy. She was a living legend and still is."

Steve stepped down from the podium and then it was Maddie's turn.

"Before I went into the ice Peggy was always my mother figure. Growing up with two dads and no mom didn't give you someone to confide in. Not long after my parents met Peggy I met her too. We instantly hit if off and she became like family to me. She was like the mom I never had. I will never forget the days back in the 40s when she would come to our small home and spend time with me. She had an important job but made time for me. After my father, Steve, went into the ice she came and found me. She took me in and when I found out Howard Stark was conducting a search party for my father she encouraged me to go. If she hadn't pushed me to go I would have never seen my parents again. When I found out she was still alive I visited her as much as I possibly could. She was still that mother figure in my life. I owed her a debt for helping my find my parents. She's a hero and not only to me but the world."

As Maddie stepped down she didn't notice how many tears were running down her cheeks. Bucky smiled as his daughter sat back down. He put his arm around her and held his husbands hand, who was sitting on the other side of him.

An hour passed and the funeral ended. The three were met by Natasha. She wanted them to go to Vienna to the meeting for the accords. Steve and Bucky were against it and Maddie had no clue what was going on. The three of them turned it down and walked hand in hand out of the church building. Unaware of how everything was going to change.

A/N: I'm back, loves. I haven't found much motivation to continue my writing but a close friend wanted me to keep at everything I've been working on. I'm going to try updating every Tuesday and Thursday like I've been doing with a few of my other books. As I always ask, if you like something or think I should fix/ change it. Comment! Thank you for reading! It truly means a lot to me ♥︎

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