The Bombing

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The Rogers family have plans to stay in a hotel for one night in London and go home the next morning. None of the other Avengers knew of this plan because they want to be left alone.

Maddie changed out of her dress and plopped down onto the bed, she turned the tv on and some very interesting news came on. Maddie's eyes grew wide.

"Dad?" Maddie called out.

Steve and Bucky both popped their heads out of the bathroom. They both chuckled because when Maddie is calling out for one of them they never know which one unless she's looking at them. The laughter instantly died down when Steve looked at the tv screen. Bucky looks like he's about to pass out when he read the screen: "Winter Soldier bombed the accords meeting in Vienna"

He shakily looked over at Steve. "I-I didn't do it."

"I know you didn't. Besides you were with us the whole time." Steve replied, confident in knowing his husband didn't do anythingz

"But they don't know that." Bucky said, shakily sitting down on the foot of the bed.

"He's right." Maddie pipped in.

"Tony will keep this under control. In the mean time we need to get back to the compound. You'll be safe there." Steve ordered.

They didn't get far out the door when Steve got a call from Tony.

Tony: I assume you've heard?
Steve: What do we do?
Tony: You bring him in.
Steve: Are you serious?
Tony: Yes I am. They want to bring him in for psychological evaluation.
Steve: He didn't do it. You know that right?
Tony: They caught him on video. That's hard evidence.
Steve: Even if he did do it, he would have been smarter than that. He wouldn't have been caught on video. Someone set him up.
Tony: Like who?
Steve: Well I don't know but I know for a fact he didn't do it. He was with us the whole time.
Tony: You've got 5 hours to turn yourselves in before we have to use force. Also, I'd suggest keeping your daughter away from him. He could snap at any moment.

Steve was in shock as he hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Maddie asked with a little fear in her voice.

"He said we have 5 hours to turn ourselves in before they use force." Steve replied to his scared daughter.

"Video evidence shows that the Winter Soldier wasn't alone during the bombing. He was accompanied by, what seems, a young girl."

Everyone turned their attention to the TV that is apparently still on. Steve could see Maddie shaking. The picture on the screen looks like exactly like her.

"Once I find out whoever framed my daughter I will personally escort them to the gates of hell." Bucky said sounding very angry. It even sacred Maddie and Steve a bit to hear that coming from him.

"We need to go now!" Steve ordered rushing Bucky and Maddie out the door but unfortunately they were met by guards sent to take them into custody.

One of the guards approached Maddie to put her in cuffs but Steve shoved him away.

"Run!" Steve shouted to Maddie and Bucky.

The three of them broke into a run and sped down the halls of the hotel. Maddie found the stairs and immediately started descending them. Bucky and Steve weren't far behind her. She heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and looked over to see many more guards running up. She looked out the window directly in front of her. If she timed it right and jumped the right distance, she can jump through the window and land on top of the building across from it.

She punched through the window with her metal arm and broke it. She used her elbow to break off any extra pieces of glass. She climbed onto the window seal and was ready to jump. That was until she felt someone grabbing the back of her shirt and pulling her back in. It was one of the guards. Maddie kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall back, and wasted no time jumping out of the window.

"Maddie!" Steve screamed when he saw his only daughter jump out of the window.

He rushed to the window and spotted her hanging on the edge of the other building, attempting to pull herself up. He looked over at Bucky who got the idea quickly. Steve jumped out the window and landed perfectly on the building across from it. He pulled Maddie up just as Bucky landed harshly next to him. They thought they were safe until  someone wearing a black suit with a cat shaped helmet started running towards them. Steve pulled Maddie away just as the cat man lunged for Bucky. Steve kicked the cat man off his husband and the three of them ran away from the mysterious person.

Steve and Bucky jumped from the building expecting Maddie to follow behind but when they looked up they saw her standing at the edge of the top of the building. Maddie turned around and saw the cat man running for her. She didn't know what to do so she fell off rather than jumped. She felt someone catch her and opened her eyes to see Steve was the one who caught her. They ran into a tunnel full of cars. Maddie almost got hit by two of them. She looked up to see Sam had come to help them. He was flying above them.

"Sam! Take Maddie!" Steve yelled over the loud noise of traffic.

Sam swooped down and picked Maddie up. He could see the exit of the tunnel and flew towards it, still holding Maddie. Steve pulled the driver out of one of the cars and Bucky stole a motorcycle. It was race to get out of the tunnel without being caught. The cat man was right behind them. The boulders at the end of the tunnel collapsed but they all made it out just in time, only to be surrounded by law enforcement and agents. They put everyone in handcuffs and took them away. Maddie was torn apart from her parents once again and strapped into a glass and metal box. Bucky was put in one just like it. Steve, Sam, and the cat man were put into a transport truck together.

Maddie was terrified of what was going to happen to her for something she didn't even do.

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