Emergency Surgery

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Bucky didn't understand what had happened. He didn't hurt her. Or did he? After he ran out of the apartment, he found a chair to sit on and silently cried with his head in his hands.

Meanwhile Maddie was still screaming. It sounded as if she was in major pain.

"Make it stop!" She yelled in between her tears.

She was clutching her right arm and rocking back and forth while crying and screaming. Steve called Tony and he told him to bring Maddie to the compound

Maddie it's going to be okay." Steve said trying to comfort her.

"Who is Maddie and why do you keep calling me that!?" She yelled while still in pain.

Steve backed away a bit as Natasha appeared in the doorway of the apartment.

"Maddie we are going to take you to the compound alright? Tonys going to figure out what's wrong." Nat said in a comforting voice

Maddie slowly nodded her head and Nat led her to the car waiting outside while Maddie was still clutching her arm. The screaming had stopped now but she was still crying.

Steve decided that Maddie was in good hands with Nat and he decided to go find his husband. When Natasha and Maddie made it to the compound Tony came rushing out.

"What happened?" He questioned with worry in his voice.

"I'm not sure." Natasha answered for Maddie.

"Let's get her inside and get her checked out." Tony said leading them inside to the medical bay.

Maddie freaked out a little when she saw all the machines. Natasha told Maddie no one was going to hurt her but Maddie was still terrified.

"Maddie we are going to do an X-ray. Is that alright?" Tony asked softly.

Maddie slowly nodded her head and Tony led Natasha and Maddie to the X-ray. Maddie laid down on the table, she was shaking very hard. She was afraid that they were going to hurt her like HYRDA did. Tony and Natasha went into a little room inside the bigger X-ray room and proceeded with checking Maddie over. Tony stopped when the advance machine pointed something out in Maddie's right arm. Tony gasped and knew he had to act fast.

Natasha didn't understand why Tony was freaking out.

"What's going on?" Natasha asked very worried.

"There's some kind of device in her arm and if we don't act fast it can kill her." Tony responded. Natashas eyes grew wide and the two of them rushed over to help Maddie off the table.

"We are going to need to do surgery right away. Is that okay with you?" Tony asked Maddie.

Maddie was hesitant to answer. "Why do you need to do surgery? What are you going to do to me?" Maddie asked worried.

Tony could tell she was becoming very stressed so he decided to explain what was going on.

"There's a device in your right arm and if we don't act fast it could potentially kill you." Maddie was taken back a little but she soon agreed.

Tony called for Bruce to come assist in the surgery and Natasha called Steve. Steve was running through the hallway of the apartment building to find Bucky. He had just gotten a call from Natasha saying Maddie was going into surgery. He continued to look for Bucky until he came upon a figure sitting on a chair in the lobby of the apartment building.

"Bucky!" Steve shouted rather loudly as he quickly made his way over to Bucky.

"Leave me alone Steve." Bucky replied when Steve made his way to Bucky.

"There's no time for this Buck. We need to get to the compound as soon as possible. Maddie's going into surgery." Steve said with a sense of urgency.

"Oh God, what did I do now?" Bucky said starting to cry a little.

"It wasn't your fault but we need to leave now." Steve said trying to get Bucky to leave but Bucky shook his head.

"No Steve I'm not going. I can't hurt her anymore than I already did."

"Bucky listen to me. This wasn't your fault. We aren't even sure what happened. Right now what she needs the most are both of her dads. Please Buck. We need to leave and I'm not going with out you."

Bucky wiped away the few tears and got up. The two of them made their way to their car and sped off towards the compound. Meanwhile Stark was about to put Maddie under.

"Th-that's not going to hurt me right?" Maddie stuttered into question when Tony showed her the mask.

"I promise you it's not going to hurt you." Tony replied with a gentle voice.

Steve and Bucky arrived at the compound and bolted for the medical bay. Natasha was sitting in the lobby of the medical bay.

"Where is she?" Steve questioned determined to find her.

"She's in surgery. She'll be out soon." Natasha answered as she was standing up.

She walked over to Steve and Bucky and gave them both hugs. Now all the three of them could do now was wait.

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