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Maddie was at the avengers compound showing everyone the video of her parents proposal. They were all super happy for the family. Bucky and Steve were back at the apartment and Maddie was at the compound for training. She was sparing with Natasha. Nat promised she'd go easy but Maddie still ended up getting thrown at a wall. Maddie was getting better but she still had a lot of work ahead of her.

Maddie unlocked the door to the apartment. Tony dropped her off at the apartment when she was done with training for the day. She still needed to fill out her application for school. When she opened the door she found her dads on the couch watching a movie together. She couldn't help but smile. Neither of them had shirts on but that was something she got used to. Realizing the door opened Bucky looked over at Maddie.

"How was training today?" Bucky asked getting up from the couch to hug his daughter.

"It was great." She said sarcastically. "I only got thrown at the wall 15 times today."

Steve let out a chuckle. "Sorry we didn't come get you. I wasn't even paying attention to the time." Steve said getting up as well.

"It fine" Maddie answered hugging her dads.

"Have you eaten dinner yet?" Steve asked heading for the kitchen.

"Yeah, Tony ordered pizza." Maddie said following him into the kitchen.

Maddie grabbed a cup from the shelf and filled it with water. She had a huge drink of it.

"Don't choke." Bucky said as he walked into the kitchen.

He put his arms around Steve and hugged him and then Steve got a text. Bucky pulled away as Steve pulled out his phone.

"It's Tony, he wants me at the compound. I'll probably be back tomorrow morning. Are you guys alright without me?" Steve asked.

Bucky and Maddie nodded their heads.

Steve threw on a shirt and jacket. He slipped on a pair of shoes. He gave Bucky a small kiss and then hugged Maddie before walking out the door.

Maddie and Bucky were playing a board game.

"I think it's time you go to bed." Bucky said cleaning up the game.

Maddie yawned in agreement and walked to her room and shut the door behind her.
Bucky put the game away and walked into his room. He left the door open in case Maddie needed anything in the middle of the night. He quickly fell asleep.

Bucky's Dream
The winter soldier walked into a small house after busting the door open. His mission was to kill a man who found out that HYRDA was still alive. The winter soldier soon found the man and shot him without a second thought. He heard whimpering coming from behind him and say a woman and her daughter. The girl could have only been 10 or 11 years old. The winter soldier could recall his master saying "no witnesses" Bucky shot the woman. He was about to do the same to the girl but something stopped him. He told the girl to run and not tell anybody other wise he'd find her. The girl did as she was told. The soldier could then hear screaming. It was coming from a girl. He couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

Bucky woke up in a cold sweat. He could still hear screaming. Maddie he thought to himself. Bucky quickly jumped out of bed. He still didn't have a shirt on but he didn't care. He opened the door to his daughters room and found her still asleep but she was screaming in her sleep. He quickly shook her awake. Maddie jolted awake. She grabbed onto her dads arms. She was confused and many tears were streaming down her face.

"Maddie...Maddie calm down I'm here." Bucky said trying to keep her calm.

"Dad?" Maddie said quietly as she was letting go of his wrists.

Maddie sat up in the bed.

"What happened sweetheart?" Her dad asked with a gentle voice.

She wrapped her arms around him. "Oh dad it was awful." Maddie was crying even more now.

Bucky stayed in there a little longer to help Maddie calm down. He sat on the edge of the bed stroking her hair until she fell asleep. When she finally did Bucky went back to his room to calm his own nightmares.

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