He's Alive?

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Steve rushed to get home after they got Nat taken care of she and Sam were with Fury and Hill at the secret location.

"Now where are you going?" Natasha asked Steve as he was trying to go without being noticed.

"I'm going for a walk" he lied. He was really trying to get home to Maddie. She needed to know her father was alive after all this time.

He quickly rushed out. Nat looked at Sam, they were both confused. Fury knew exactly where he was going.

Maddie was sitting on the couch watching TV. She had learned to like the films from this time but every once and a while she'd watch a Captain America movie from the 1940s. It gave her the chance to see her dad again and hear his voice since he he died and more importantly she could see both of her dads together. Even though they couldn't show their love for each other she knew it was there. She had hoped to have a relationship like her dads had. They were loyal to each other and even when times got tough they always supported each other. She wanted a man like that. She turned her head as the front door was opening.

"Dad?" she said getting up "I thought your weren't going to be home till later."

She went over and gave him a hug. He didn't look to good.

"Are you okay dad?" She asked with a concerned look.

He led her to the couch and the two of them sat down.

"There's no easy way to explain this." He started. Maddie's mind immediately went back to another conversation that started like this. It was when she learned her father had fallen from a train. "I was in a fight today. Me, Nat, and Sam. We had to figure out a way to take down HYRDA" Maddie shuddered at the name she hates HYRDA "We were stopped by a man in a mask. He is known as the winter soldier. He works for HYRDA" Maddie shuddered at the name again "When I fought him his mask came off revealing his face." He swallowed hard and Maddie was very confused. "The person under that mask was-was" Steve swallowed hard again. "Maddie your dad is alive. Bucky is alive."

Maddie couldn't comprehend what her dad just said to her. Her other father was alive? She looked up at her dad. He could tell she was holding back tears. But how? She thought, he fell from a train dad saw the whole thing. Suddenly she could feel tears streaming down her face. Steve hugged her tightly.

A lot of their nights were like this. The nightmares that woke them up in the middle of the night. They'd cuddle on the couch wrapped in a blanket often crying. Maddie would always hug her father as tears were streaming down her face. Steve kept his tears in. He had to stay strong for his daughter.

Snapped back to reality Steve looked down and saw Maddie sleeping. Her face was dry from the tears. He wrapped her in a blanket and carried her to her room and tucked her into bed. He stayed up a while longer. When Maddie woke up he was already gone but found and note on the counter. It read

I'm sorry I couldn't have been there when you woke up. I had to leave to go save the rest of our family. I will be back as soon as I can babygirl. I love you

She smiled as she bit down on a piece of toast.

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