Going Home

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Maddie had been staying at the compound for 2 weeks now. She didn't go home with Steve and Bucky because she didn't feel comfortable doing so yet. Maddie grew accustomed to living in the compound and her new/old surroundings. Most nights she would have nightmares and wake up screaming but Nat would come in and sit with her until she fell back asleep.

She started to remember the Avengers and her close bond with Natasha but she still wasn't able to remember her dads. It broke their hearts but they knew it was going to take time.

Today Maddie felt ready to go and at least see her old home. They thought it might help her regain some memory. When they arrived Steve and Bucky led her up to their apartment. It was nice and clean and nicely decorated.

"This is where I used to live?" Maddie asked walking through the front door.

"Yes." Steve answered following her in.

Maddie walked in further and took attention to the nice light grey couch in the living room with the black coffee table in front of it. She studied it for a minute and then a memory flashed over her mind.

Maddie had just gotten home from training with Natasha. She was in tears when she walked through the front door. Bucky saw this and shot up from his spot on the couch.

"Maddie, what's wrong?" He said making his way over to her.

"I pinned Nat down 3 times today." Maddie said crying.

Steve and Bucky were confused.

"Honey, how's that a thing to cry over? That's amazing. You're only 10 years old and you were able to pin down a highly trained assassin 3 times." Steve said responded.

"Before this serum I couldn't even get close to pinning her down once. Everything's changed and I want it to go back how it used to be. When I was a normal kid." Maddie replied still crying.

Bucky wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. You are a normal kid don't let this take over your life. Maybe some things have changed but you need to focus on the things that haven't like your dad and I will still always be here for you." Bucky said with a comforting voice leading Maddie over to the couch.

The two of them sat down and Maddie curled up against Bucky and cried into his chest. Steve sat down on the other side of Maddie and put his arm around Bucky pulling the three of them close. Bucky put his arm around Maddie and ran his metal arm through her hair. Steve rested his other arm on Maddie's leg. The three of them stayed like that until Maddie stopped crying.

Snapped back to reality Maddie realized she had a few tears streaming down her face.

"Maddie are you okay." Bucky asked walking up to her.

Maddie didn't answer but continued staring at the couch. Bucky softly put his hand on her shoulder and Maddie spun around. Bucky was afraid that triggered something but Maddie wrapped her arms around him and softly cried into his shoulder.

She had gotten taller over those years she was gone and no longer only reached to her dads chests. Bucky didn't know what to do but he slowly hugged her back.

As soon as Bucky's arms fully wrapped around his daughter, Maddie screamed. Scared, Bucky pulled back and took a few steps back. Maddie was still screaming while clutching her head. Bucky looked at his shaking hands and then ran out of the apartment.

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