The Wedding

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A week or so passed and Bucky and Steve's weeding was in less than a week. They wanted to get married and soon as they could. They didn't want to wait any longer.

When the day finally came nobody could hold their excitement. All the avengers were there including many other people they worked with. They had at a park near the compound and the reception would be held at the compound after.

Then the time came. Steve was standing at the altar in a black suit with a white dress shirt under. Bucky was wearing the same suit. Steve hadn't seen Bucky or Maddie all day. He was dying to see his two favorite people in the entire world. Then everyone stood up. Down the isle came Bucky and Maddie. Their elbows were linked. Bucky was wearing the same suit as Steve and his long hair was nicely brushed.  Maddie was wearing a knee length dress. It was white with pink and blue flowers at the bottom of it and her hair was in a side fishtail braid. When they got to the altar Maddie hugged her dad and went to sit down next to Natasha in the front row.

"You look as handsome as ever." Steve said taking Bucky's hands in his own.

"Right back at ya" Bucky said smiling very big.

The ceremony was almost over.

"Do you Steven Rodgers take James Buchanan Barnes to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister said.

"I do" Steve said not taking his eyes off Bucky's.

"And do you James Buchanan Barnes take Steven Rodgers to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Bucky said not taking his eyes of Steve's either.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Rodgers. You may now kiss the groom." The minister said.

Steve pulled Bucky into a passionate kiss. Maddie was crying by this point. She was so happy she didn't even know what to do.

"Okay we get it your married now. Time to party" Tony said standing up. He loved a good party.

The two super soldiers broke the kiss and laughed. Maddie ran up to them and hugged them both very tight.

"How does the name Bucky Rodgers and Madison Rodgers sound?" Steve said to the two. They decided to take Steve's last name since he was the one who proposed.

"It sounds great" Bucky said kissing Steve again.

"Let's go lovebirds" Tony butted in. He was dying to start the party.

Maddie ran up to Natasha and walked next to her into the compound. Steve and Bucky walked hand in hand following everyone else inside.

The party had been going on for hours. Maddie had been with Nat or Tony the whole time to give her dads a break from her. She was with them all the time. She was going to be staying at the compound while her dads went on their honeymoon.

After a few hours of partying it was time to saw goodbye to the newly wed couple. Maddie hugged both her dads very tight and then watched as they drove off.

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