Civil War

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Maddie was terrified they were going to do something to her. She knew that she didn't bomb the meeting but she didn't think they all knew that. After all she did come from HYRDA. According to a lot of people she's still "unpredictable". They all thought the same thing about Bucky. She was locked inside glass cage for evaluation. She could barely move. She called out for Steve but they told her he wasn't aloud to see them. Steve couldn't bare to watch Maddie suffer in the glass box. He had to watch her from video surveillance, same with Bucky.

The man who was brought into to evaluate the two walked in to the room containing Bucky and Maddie. He started talking to the two but neither of them wanted to talk. He tried to bring up their past, which mentioned alone, gave them panic attacks. Steve continued to watch until the power was cut out. Sam already knew what he was thinking and the two of them rushed to the floor with Maddie and Bucky but when they got there it was too late.

Sam ducked as Maddie attempted to punch him in the face. Steve handled Bucky even though he didn't wasn't to fight his own husband. Bucky pushed him down an elevator shaft and descended down the stairs with Maddie close behind him. Everyone was after the Winter Soldier and Maddie. After fighting Tony and Natasha the two made their way to the roof. Bucky started the helicopter as Maddie climbed in. Steve wouldn't allow them to leave though. He held onto the helicopter and the building, holding on with all his strength. Bucky was still trying to get away but he couldn't help but stare at Steve.

"Hey Bucky, your gay is showing." Sam called out which distracted Bucky.

The helicopter fell into the water below with Maddie and Bucky still inside. Steve wasted no time jumping after them. He pulled the two ex-assassins out of the water just in time.

Bucky woke up in a dark room. He was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall. Maddie slowly awoke not long after Bucky did. She woke up laying on the floor. She sat up but  all her muscles ached at the movement. She groaned which caught Sam's attention.


Steve walked in after hearing Sam calling for him. Both Maddie and Bucky were awake.

"Dad?" Maddie quietly said upon seeing Steve.

"Which Maddie am I talking too?" He sternly replied.

"The real one, I promise." She replied quickly.

"How do we know?" Sam asked, not fully trusting them.

"Before we became a real family again we would spend most our nights crying on the sofa.  Whenever I had nightmares you'd run into the bedroom and wouldn't leave until I was asleep. Every night we would watch an old movie. It was our only connection to the past." Maddie explained as a smile made its way to Steve's face.

"So we're just gonna trust her? Just like that?" Sam asked, still not completely convinced about the young girl.

"That's my daughter, you're talking about." Bucky growled. Sam stepped back not wanting to get hurt in anyway.

Maddie didn't pay much attention to what the 3 adults were saying. She started feeling dizzy and tired. She couldn't hear Steve or Bucky calling out to her. After a few minutes Maddie blacked out completely.

Steve saw Maddie fall limp on the cold, hard, floor. He sighed and started gently shaking her. Maddie stirred a bit but didn't open her eyelids to reveal her crystal blue eyes. Steve carefully picked her up but Bucky was quick to take her from his husband. Sam motioned for the two super soldier to follow him.

Bucky carefully laid Maddie in the backseat of the tiny, navy blue, car. He climbed in next to her, complaining to Sam about moving his seat up.

Steve was worried about what was to come. He knew it was going to be dangerous trying to find the transport they needed but hopefully it would go smoothly and wouldn't end in a fight.

Boy was he wrong.

~~Time Skip~~

Maddie awoke in the backseat of the car. It was dark. She looked out the window and saw her dads, Sam, Wanda, Clint, and some other man she didn't recognize. Maddie's head started pounding but she pushed it aside and slowly climbed out.

"Maddie." Clint said, as a greeting, when he saw Maddie appear beside Steve.

"Clint." Maddie responded. She then turned to Steve. "What's going on?"

Steve explained the plan he had just explained to the others. Maddie was about to ask questions when she was interrupted by the man she didn't recognize.

"Who's this? Do they really start training that young?" The man pushed. Maddie already decided she didn't like him.

"This is my daughter, Scott" Steve responded. Maddie shot a glare at Scott, he seemed to get the hint and backed down a little but that didn't stop him from asking more questions.

"Your daughter? Since when does Captain America have a daughter?" Maddie groaned as Scott's questions. They really should start looking for the jet if they want to make it out of this alive.

Before Steve could respond a German voice came over the airports speaker systems. Maddie looked at Bucky, seeming they were the only ones able to understand the language. Steve looked at the two, wondering what the voice on the speakers said.

"They're evacuating the airport." Maddie replied before Bucky got the chance too.

"She knows German too?" Scott added in, sounding surprised. Maddie facepalmed and made a mental note to throw him into a building later.

"Suit Up."

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