Secret Family

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Even though they were finally together now the world didn't know that Captain America and The Winter Soldier were a couple much less that they had a 10 year old daughter. When they would go out, they would go out separately never as a whole family.

Months had gone by and Bucky was now an Avenger, Maddie was still a secret. The other avengers didn't know Steve and Bucky were a thing so they had to keep that a secret too which was hard for them to do. Especially when they wanted to make up for lost time. Now her parents weren't gone as much most of the threats were gone, for now. Maddie didn't care as much now that she was a secret. Her dads were always there for her now. All three of them suffered from horrible nightmares. Bucky always had the worse. On the nights Maddie had bad nightmares she'd creep into her dads room. They always woke up. It was the same thing every time. Steve would turn on the lamp as both the super soldiers would sit up in the bed. They'd lean against the head board and make room for Maddie in between them. She would crawl onto the bed and sit in between them. She lean against Bucky as he'd stroke through her hair with his human arm and wrapped the metal one around her waist. Steve would scoot in and put his arm around Bucky and his other arm would rest on Maddie's leg slowly stroking it. She would softly cry into Bucky's chest. These were some of the moments Steve and Bucky cherished the most. They were truly a family now. Once Maddie was asleep Bucky would carry her back to her own bed and tuck her in and then go back to his own bed to cuddle with just Steve. Bucky would lay his head on Steve's chest and listen to his heartbeat and he slowly fell asleep.

The next morning Steve was up making breakfast. Bucky woke up and walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Steve's waist from behind. His chin rested on Steve's shoulder.

"What are you making?" Bucky asked Steve not letting go.

"Pancakes" Steve simply answered.

The two of them could hear soft footsteps coming into the kitchen. Maddie walked up to the side her dad and he put his arm around her. Bucky was still hugging Steve from behind.

"Good morning babygirl" Steve said flipping a pancake with his one free hand.

"Good morning" she replied tiredly.

As much as Steve loved to hug his two favorite people in the world he still did need to cook breakfast. Bucky let go and went to grab the plates to set the table. They were chatting a lot while eating the delicious pancakes Steve made.

"Remember if it's an emergency we will be at the Avengers compound." Bucky said before putting his last bite of pancake in his mouth.

He got up and collected the empty plates the others had and took them to the sink.

"I'll be fine dad" Maddie said with a chuckle.

Steve gave her a look before getting up. The last time she locked herself out of the apartment and had to wait 2 hours until her dads got there. She would have called them if she hadn't left her phone inside.

Steve and Bucky were ready to leave. Bucky hugged Maddie and kissed the top of her head. Steve did the same.

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