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Steve and Bucky were sitting bored out of there minds in the conference room. It was another one of Tony's mandatory meeting that had no purpose too it. Tony was about to turn to the next slide when the doors opened. In came a girl covered in bruises and blood.

"Maddie!?" Bucky yelled scrambling to his feet. Steve followed.

Steve scooped her up in his arms and rocked her gently. She was crying. They were so focused on Maddie that they didn't even realized the rest of the avengers were looking at them with confused looks. Except for Natasha who was smiling. Just by the events that unfolded in less than a minute she figured out what was going on. Steve quickly carried Maddie out of the room with Bucky close behind muttering under his breath. They took her to the medical bay and sat her down on the counter. Maddie leaned her head on the wall behind it.

"What happened Maddie??" Bucky asked. He was dying to know who he needed to beat up for hurting his baby girl.

"I was just trying to be like you" she said quietly.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Steve asked wiping away the blood.

"I was walking around the park close to the apartment and I heard someone yell that hoy stole my purse. I ran after him and tackled him. I got the purse back to the lady but as I was walking home he cornered me in the ally way. He couldn't have been much older than me. He explained I ruined his life and continued to beat me up." Maddie answered.

Bucky was upset but the boy was probably looking for a way to survive but he still hurt his daughter. Steve made Bucky promise that he wasn't going to go after the boy. Bucky agreed but he didn't like it. They led Maddie to a room Steve sometimes stayed in when he would stay here. She laid down on the bed and fell asleep. Bucky and Steve knew they had to face the other Avengers. After an outburst like that they would certainly have questions. The two of them made their way to the conference room. They quietly opened the doors. Natasha was still smiling and the other avengers were discussing what just happened. They all silenced when the two super soldiers entered the room.

"Who the hell was that? You have some explaining to do Rogers." Tony demanded.

Steve and Bucky sat down in their chairs. They were still pushed way back from when they practically jumping out of them after seeing Maddie. Nat was smiling even bigger now. Steve looked over at Bucky and Bucky nodded.

"Umm, that was my daughter or rather our daughter." Steve said looking over at Bucky.

The Avengers mouths dropped open. Except for Natasha's. She was right.

"Are you two a thing?" Thor asked very confused.

Bucky and Steve nodded.

"You guys didn't-She isn't?" Tony stuttered into a question.

"No!" Bucky and Steve said at the same time.

"She's adopted. We found here on our doorstep when she was a baby. Back in the 1940s." Bucky explained.

"Wait then how is she still alive today?" Clint asked still in shock.

"Same way Steve is." Nat said.

Bucky and Steve were shocked.

"How do you know?" Steve asked

"I pieced it all together during the time you were cleaning her up." Natasha said with a smile. She was laughing a bit too.

"Well yeah what Natasha said." Steve answered.

If anyone was able to figure this all out it was Natasha.

"That doesn't make any sense." Bruce cut in.

"She was with Howard Stark looking for me." Steve started.

"Wait hold on! My father knew about this?" Tony asked.

Steve nodded.

"She fell off the boat and some how landed in the same place I was. It's a miracle she even survived. She didn't have the serum." Steve continued.

"Did Fury know?" Tony asked.

Steve and Bucky nodded their heads.

Tony threw his hands on the air obviously annoyed.

After more questions Steve and Bucky left to go check on Maddie. She was still sleeping but woke up when they walked in.

"I'm really sorry, I knew we wanted to keep this a secret but I didn't know what to do." Maddie started while tears streamed down her eyes.

Steve pulled her onto his lap on the bed. Stroking her hair while she was crying.

"It's fine babygirl, I'm glad you came here." Bucky said sitting next to Steve.

Bucky pulled Maddie's legs onto his lap and put his arm around Steve. They stayed like this for a while until they decided to go home. After all that happened today they needed a quiet night together. Things were going to change now.

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