We Broke Nico

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I felt my heart drop. My mind just went empty and the only thing on my mind was "Jason is dead". I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. We were never close and I never exactly trusted him because he seemed too perfect. But everyone in our friend group was a team. And we had just lost a member. 

"I'm sorry what?" I nervously laughed. "You're kidding right?" All I heard was sobbing from the other end. "Right Piper? He's not dead right?" I said as tears started falling. I looked at Percy. His face went pale.

I inched closer to him and held his hand. He didn't have an expression on his face. I started walking towards everyone and Percy followed.

As soon as we got there everyone turned their heads. They were all smiling until they saw our faces. The bell rang and Piper hung up because she couldn't talk. Everyone was curious as to what happened. 

I planned on telling everyone at Percy's house. We were all planning on going there anyways. I was nervous to tell them because they would be devastated. But the person I was more worried about was Nico.

According to Will and Hazel, those two were very close. Jason was like Nico's big brother and he was the closest he ever had to a best friend. Jason was the first person to find out he was gay.

I didn't want to tell him that his best friend had died. I didn't want to tell him that when he was just getting over the death of his sister Bianca. She had died about two or three years ago but he didn't want to accept it. And now he was beginning to. 

I can't even begin to imagine the pain he would feel. Piper had texted me during class. She said that she had made a new friend Reyna and they were all surfing. But there was an accident and she wasn't sure what had happened. But something happened to his board and he broke his skull on one of the big rocks. 

They had found his body when a lifeguard pulled him out of the ocean. There were shards of glass in his body from a glass bottle. 

I was with Percy at his apartment. Sally was pregnant and I had finally met Percy's step-dad Paul. Sally was an angel as always and Paul was actually really cool. He was chill and according to Percy was the exact opposite of Smelly Gabe. 

We were waiting for everyone to arrive and Percy couldn't stay still. I know he has ADHD but this was a lot worse. He kept fiddling with his hands, moving around the living room area and he kept capping and uncapping his pen. 

After about 20 minutes they all arrived together. Everyone looked nervous but Nico looked the most worried. I got the feeling he knew something had happened to Jason. Maybe not exactly but an idea.

We all say down on the couches and the floor. Everyone was quiet and the tension was immaculate. Nico was the first to break the ice. 

"It has something to do with Jason doesn't it." He said staring at the floor. I could tell he was nervous and didn't want the answer to be real. He looked up at me and Percy and we both nodded.

"There was a surfing accident. And It happened to Jason. Somehow his board broke and he ended up crashing into one of those huge rocks" I said while I played with my fingers. Percy gave me a look of reassurance. 

"He broke his skull and was severely injured. Jason… He isn't- he isn't here anymore" I said. I didn't want to say the word dead. It made me realize that he was gone and I didn't want that just yet.

Nico was staring at me with tears in his eyes. His mouth was slightly opened and his face was paler than usual. Will pulled him closer and Nico gripped his hand as if Will would fade away at any moment. 

"Gods I knew this would happen. This is my fault, I knew something happened to him. And I didn't say anything I just let him go and now he's gone" He said with such sadness and resent. It was like waves of it just coming out of him.

"Nico this isn't your fault. Nobody could've predicted this. Don't blame yourself because you didn't do anything to cause this." Percy said with sympathy yet seriousness. 

Nico didn't look reassured. Tears started spilling and he stood up. "sono così dispiaciuto. I- I'm sorry" He said. He walked to the door and said goodbye to Sally and Paul. He left and Will followed him. 

I looked around at the group and everyone was crying. I couldn't believe we were going through this.

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