He Doesn't Even Go Here

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~ TRIGGER WARNING: death, school shootings ~   

         It’s been 10 months. I haven’t talked to Percy in 10 months. Not since the day I kissed him and messed up everything after that. It’s a new school year now, september. Thalia graduated which left almost all by myself. I became friends with Silena Beauregard and Rachel Dare.

          Silena had started dating this really nice guy Charles Beckendorf. He was in the football team and was a major comfort to Silena after the breakup. He is also Percy’s best friend along with Grover. Rachel is one of Percy’s exes. She dated him for about a month or two but broke up with him for being distant. They had dated before the summer but she was over him. She has a curly red mane that looks beautiful on her. She has some freckles and is an AMAZING artist. I was jealous of her at first seeing as I had some feelings towards Percy, but she is a very nice person. 

          Silena and Rachel know basically everything about what happened with me and Percy. Silena just knew something happened as soon as I entered school. She immediately came up to me and asked what had happened. After a few days of her bugging me,I cracked and told her everything. How she just knew something happened without talking to either of us? I will never know. So I told her and she comforted me throughout the entire year and is now one of my best friends. 

          I met Rachel after her breakup with Percy. She was a bit upset,but at the same time she was working on herself. I was walking through the mall for some shoes and she came up to me and complimented my hair and clear skin.Of course I was jealous,but I didn’t want to be rude. Especially since we didn't know each other and she has only been nice to me. So I complimented her hair and then we exchanged numbers. We exchanged some hair and skin tips and started hanging out. We became super close over the summer and I eventually told her about Percy. I only told her because Silena came up to me when i was with her and went “this is Percy’s ex.You do realize this right?” But she didn’t mind any of this.

          When Silena told me she was my age I was shocked. She was in one of Luke’s classes because she wanted a challenge. She aced the class, but because she was scared to be around Luke she moved back to regular classes. So Luke didn’t care about age. A sling as he could manipulate a girl into doing what he wants, then he was golden. We were all juniors now and Luke was gone, so we were happy.

          I haven’t been in a relationship. I didn’t have any feelings for anyone and nobody made me feel whole. Well except for this one person, but he’s been out of the picture for months. 

          It was about the second week of school. Everyone was in an assembly for the beginning of the school year. They always made the assembly in the second week, because they wanted the students to start memorizing where everything was. The principal was ranting about the school rules and everyone was barely listening. 

          I sat next to Rachel on my left and Silena on my right. Next to Silena was Charles, then Grover, then Percy. We sat in the back near one of the exits. The door was closest to me and Rachel. It took a lot of my willpower to not look at Percy. Then Silena told me and Rachel that Percy was staring at me, and Rachel confirmed it with a big smile. I didn’t want to look at him so I distracted myself by looking at Beckendorf getting up and arguing with a teacher about using the bathroom. I turned away after a few seconds and just as I was going to look at Percy, I heard a loud pop. 

          “NO! BECKENDORF!”I heard Silena cry before turning around and looking at the scene. Beckendorf was on the floor, laying in a growing puddle of his own blood and Silena was rushing towards him. Kids around me started screaming and panicking trying to leave the auditorium, while someone kept shooting them down. Silena rushed towards Beckendorf as we all started getting up or trying to hide. Silena turned towards the door and stared with wide eyes before yelling. I was going to turn towards the door, but I felt a hand grab me and pull me down. It was Percy trying to help me hide. Everyone else was gone except for Grover, who was a few feet behind us. 

          Before I was able to even realize Percy was trying to protect me after this entire time I heard another gunshot and a close thump. Without thinking I stood up and looked at the dying body of Silena Beauregard. One of my closest friends, dying in a puddle of her own blood. Her beautiful face now pale and lifeless. 

          I yelled and started going towards her. As I got closer, I heard an evil laugh and a gunshot. I fell backwards and felt a burning sensation on my shoulder. I heard Percy’s voice yell my name and I heard steps running towards me. As I felt Percy hold me, I realized what had happened. I had been shot in my shoulder, and was losing blood fast. 

          Percy was panicking trying to get the wound to stop bleeding. He had started pressing his sweater against my shoulder. It hurt and the burning just got worse. He kept telling me not to fall asleep, and to stay with him. I looked up at him and he had tears in his eyes. I then turned over to look at the shooter. As I looked at his face, tears welled up in my eyes. An evil smile fading into a worried look, as he stared back at me. I was looking at Luke.

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