I Basically Spill My Life Story

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          I'm Annabeth Chase and you better get comfy cause this is one hell of a rollercoaster. It all started when the new kid showed up. Typical. But we'll have to get to that part later. First you should probably get to know me and stuff.

          Everything was going great. So far I've had an amazing week. My grades were perfect even though i have dyslexia, my friends were amazing, i was starting to open up to other people too! It was Tuesday and I was hanging out with my best friends Thalia and Luke.

Thalia has eyes so blue you would think they're contact lenses. She has messy, short black hair and mostly wore black clothes. Her style is like punk, but she pulls it off.

Luke has blonde hair with this grey streak that he doesn't like to talk about. He also has a scar going down the side of his face, which he doesn't like talking about either. His eyes were also blue but not as blue as Thalia's. He was really sneaky and could steal anything from anyone (as a joke of course) without them noticing until he pointed it out. It was always so funny when he would steal Thalia's fries and she would get so confused as to why they started disappearing.

          I've known both of them for years now ever since I was the new kid in middle school. They were the only people for a long time who were my friends. Right now we're in high school and closer than ever. We all went to Goode HS. I'm a sophomore, while Thalia and Luke and seniors.

Me and Thalia were so close and we told each other everything. Me and Luke were close too, but secretly I had a crush on him. I was so scared to lose him if he found out, so i never told Thalia about my crush. One of the reasons as to why we were so close and why they took me under their wing for years is because we all have bad home lives.

          In my life I have my dad, my stepmom and my two younger step brothers. My biological mom? Never met her and my dad doesn't talk about her. My stepmom? She thinks I'm a walking disaster and a hazard to her precious biological sons. My step brothers? Okay, they're not that bad. I like them.

My dad? We argue all of the time about everything. He thinks I should listen to my stepmom and try talking to her. I tried to once, but she made it very clear that she hates me. I ran away once when I was about 7 years old because everyone in my house made it clear I wasn't wanted.

I was gone for a month. I was in and out of the woods finding anything I could use to survive. Eventually the police found me and brought me back home. Nothing really improved that much. Me and my dad still argue, but not as much. My stepmom seems to have accepted the fact that I was there. I said accepted, not liked.

          Thalia was a bit different. She also lived with her dad. Except her dad was never around. She was basically all alone in a house. Well almost all alone. She has a brother named Jason, but we never met him since he's always with his friends and goes to a different school. Thalia once showed us a picture of him, but you never would've known they were related.Jason is a tall blonde with electric blue eyes like Thalia. He wears glasses and basically looks like the all American boy. Thalia says he acts like it too. Sometimes they both hangout, but he's gone almost as much as their dad. He's gone so much both Jason and Thalia forgot what he looked like. He ignores both of them, What about Thalia's mom you might ask? She died in a drunk driving accident. They don't have that many memories of her, but if they did they don't talk about it.

          Luke's life isn't any better than ours. His dad neglects him almost as much as Thalia's dad. Luke doesn't call him dad either.He says that he's never been a father to him so he doesn't deserve being called "dad". Don't get him wrong though, his dad isn't abusive. Just neglectful and absent. Luke's mom is sweet and cares about him, but there is something wrong with her.

I don't want to say she has mental problems because that's rude and has never been confirmed by a doctor, but something isn't right. Trust me, I've met her. I'm not going to get into the details. Long story short: she is delusional sometimes and says Luke is going to do bad things in life. She also makes cookies, peanut butter sandwiches, and pours kool aid in cups so much it's as if someone programmed her to do it but forgot how to switch it off. It's scary sometimes.

          I don't think she knows what she's talking about when she says Luke is going to do bad things. I mean how bad can Luke possibly be? He's sweet and kind to others, doesn't do anything to hurt anyone and is trustworthy. He couldn't possibly do anything bad to anyone. Right?

          Thalia was trying to balance a cheese stick on her upper lip and Luke was trying to make it fall off. I was trying to study by reviewing some of the material. It was hard to focus though. With Luke and his beautiful bright smile... which doesn't matter. And his incredibly cute laugh... which isn't important either. And his amazing blue eyes that lit up a lot... not that i care about that at all. Ok don't get me wrong, was he older than me? Yes. Did he treat me like a little sister sometimes? Yes. Did he flirt with other girls his age? Yes. But did he notice me? No.

           I guess i should describe myself right? Well I'm decently tall. Not super short, but not super tall. Just average height, about 5'7'. I'm kind of tan, but not so much that it looks like everyone else with their spray tans. I have blond, curly hair, which is usually in a high ponytail. I have stormy grey eyes too. I don't like being blonde. People usually underestimate me and immediately think of me as a dumb blonde. So I have to work twice as hard to get half of the recognition. And i have to work even harder because im dyslexic.

          I didn't realize I was staring until Thalia noticed and realized what I was thinking. For a split second I thought I saw her expression turn sad and was that... guilt? I probably just imagined it though. It was hard to tell with Thalia. Thankfully she didn't point it out. Instead she gave Luke some money and told him to get her chips. When he left I snapped out of it and she began interrogating me.

How it all started... But in High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now