Khione The Ice Queen

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Jason came into school the next day and barely talked to anyone. He was all sad and distracted. We all thought it was because of Piper until Khione walked into school holding hands with the same Kevin who slut shamed me and Piper. 

Turns out she had cheated on Jason. She was absent because she was with Kevin. He found them making out when he visited her. Let’s just say Piper was not having it.

    It was lunch and Piper stormed up to Khione and started yelling at her. Percy told Jason to get down to the cafeteria immediately. He was reluctant but as soon as Piper was mentioned he sped down here. 

    “HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON SOMEONE LIKE JASON?! WHO DO YOU EVEN THINK YOU ARE?!” Piper yelled. By now Jason arrived and was staring at Piper in aw with a slight blush. Everyone had gathered around and started recording with their phones. 

    “YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM! He’s such a good guy and he deserves way better than you” She said looking at Khione with disgust. That's when she did something that was surprising and hilarious. She slapped Khione. She them proceeded to look around the crowd and walked back holding a Starbucks cup. It was filled with water and ice cubes. She dumped it on Khione

    The cafeteria went silent and Khione looked livid. Her face turned red and she tried to slap Piper but she missed. 

    “HOW DARE YOU?! YOU LITTLE SL-” I cut her off because I couldn’t help it. I hated her.

    “SHUT THE FUCK UP KHIONE! She’s not the one who cheated on Jason with an asshole.” I yelled at her. Everyone gasped. Apparently they didn't realize she cheated. 

    “At least I’m not the one who wastes away her life reading stupid books! This is why nobody is ever going to love you!” She yelled at me.

    “Hey my name is Percy not nobody. I’m Annabeth's boyfriend” Percy said as he stepped in and put his arm around my shoulder. He kissed me and Khione’s mouth dropped. 

    “I may read a lot but I’m gonna have a future. Whereas the only job you’re ever gonna have is WORKING ON A POLE” I yelled at her as I inched closer to her with every word. She screeched and stormed away. Jason walked up to Piper and hugged her tightly. 

    “Thank you Piper. Gods you’re the best.” He said quietly. Piper went read and pulled away from the hug and cleared her throat. “Um yeah no problem.” She said walking away from him and towards Hazel. Jason looked down and walked out of the cafeteria. 

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