Luke Gets A Talking To

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          “Percy…” I whispered longing for his lips. He rested his forehead on mine and I could almost feel his lips brushing lightly against mine. He moved his hand to my neck and gently caressed it. He leaned in and as I began to feel his lips on mine, we were of course interrupted. I felt his lips, but it was barely a kiss. And it left me wanting more. 

          “Hey Annabeth could you come in here? I need some help with this thing on my phone!” Sally yelled from her bed room. Me and Percy scrambled to get up, both of our faces bright red from what almost happened. 

          “Yeah of course! Just let me wash my hands really quick!” I yelled back heading for the sink. I didn’t need to wash my hands, I just wanted my blush to die down. I couldn’t stop myself from being disappointed about not kissing him. I must’ve had a sour look on my face because Percy came up to me and started to apologize. 

          “Look Annabeth I’m sorry for doing that. I get it if you’re mad and want to leave” He said with an extremely visible sad look on his face. I started drying my hands and without thinking I hugged him tightly. He immediately returned the hug and pulled me closer to him. He laid a soft kiss on the top of my head, causing me to blush again. 

          “Don’t worry about it Percy. And I’m not leaving yet, I still want a cupcake and whatever you planned after this” I said smiling into his chest. I wanted to stay that way forever. 

          ‘Alright you’re going crazy Annabeth. You’ve only known him for like 4 days, sit down.’ I thought. But I didn’t care. I don’t know why, I just didn’t care about how long I’ve known him. I felt giddy inside and I loved it. 

          “Uh Annabeth? You there?” Sally yelled again from the bedroom. I was so distracted by Percy I completely forgot. And because I was a guest in their house I felt bad immediately. I was going to answer and apologize, but Percy beat me to it. 

          “Sorry mom! I was talking to Annabeth before she went to help you! But she’s coming right now!” He explained. I mouthed thank you to Percy and he winked at me with his adorable lopsided grin. She walked through the hallway and saw one door open and assumed Sally was there. She walked in and Sally smiled, then gestured for her to close the door. She did and sat down next to Sally. Instead of asking for help she asked something totally unexpected. 

          “What’s up with you and Percy?” She asked. “What??” I asked a bit too loudly. You can’t blame me. I was shocked and taken aback. She chuckled.

          “When did you become friends?” She asked. This time I was less surprised. 

          “We met on Tuesday. And we became closer on Wednesday. That's when we became friends.” I explained. She smiled widely and I got nervous. 

          “So I was right!” She said happily. “Ever since he met you,he’s become more open and happy. Thank you so much!” She said as she hugged me. 

          “Uh you're welcome? What exactly are you thanking me for Mrs. Jackson?” I asked because I had no idea what was happening. 

          “You’re bringing out the best in him Annabeth. You’re probably the best friend he’s ever had. Other than Grover of course” she explained. Ok so she knew about Grover. I wondered what else Percy told her about. 

          “Oh well it’s no problem. Percy is my best friend. I'm glad I can get him to open his shell” I said with a smile. She looked like she wanted to say something else,but thought against it. Instead she smiled and hugged me one more time. 

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